http://www.zenchang.cn 2010-10-12 11:02:38 來源:中國法學網
閱讀次數: 1052
——自然法學說與法律實證主義關系透視 劉楊(3)
合憲性推定的正當性 王書成(23)
權利客體的概念及層次 方新軍(36)
身份制度的私法構造 馬俊駒 童列春(59)
反向工程的合法性及實施條件 胡開忠(72)
股份共有的公司法規范 沈貴明(86)
勞動法與小企業的優惠待遇 謝增毅(97)
主張的具體化研究 占善剛(110)
檢察的內涵及其啟示 朱孝清(123)
強奸罪與嫖宿幼女罪的關系 車浩(136)
證明力規則檢討 李訓虎(156)
我國刑事訴訟運行狀況實證分析 徐美君(174)
國際法中的特別法優先原則 廖詩評(186)
中國古代的罪疑惟輕 蔣鐵初(196)
Vol.32, No.2, March 2010
A Systematic Theory among Morality, Law and Obligation to Obey Law………Liu Yang(3)
Justification of Presumption of Constitutionality………………………………Wang Shucheng(23)
Object of Right:Concept and its Levels………………………………………Fang Xinjun(36)
Construction of Status System in Private law……………………………………Ma Junju, etc.(59)
Legitimacy and Implementing Conditions of Reverse-Engineering……………Hu Kaizhong(72)
Company Law Norms on Joint Ownership of Shares…………………………Shen Guiming(86)
Labor Law and Favorable Treatment to Small Enterprises……………………Xie Zengyi(97)
A Research on the Specification of Proposals…………………………………Zhan Shangang(110)
Connotation of Prosecution and its Revelation…………………………………Zhu Xiaoqing(123)
Relationship between Offence of Rape and Whoring with Girls under 14………Che Hao(136)
Reflection on Rules of Weight……………………………………………………Li Xunhu(156)
An Empirical Study on Operation of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law………Xu Meijun(174)
Lex Specialis Rule in International Law………………………………………Liao Shiping(186)
Lenient Treatment of Doubtful Guilt in Ancient China…………………………Jiang Tiechu(196)
日期:2010-10-12 11:02:38 | 關閉 |