http://www.zenchang.cn 2012-7-26 14:34:14 來源:中國法學會網
1、我國金融機構理財業務的法律困境與探索郭江山(中央財經大學金融學院);李大慶(北京大學法學院)【摘要】 在我國經濟快速發展、國民收入不斷提高、理財需求增加的背景下,理財業務開始如火如荼地進行,但同時在金融機構和客戶之間引發了各種各樣的法律糾紛。尤其是對理財活動屬性和法律關系,在學界和實務界引起了廣泛爭論。另外,理財業務中雙方當事人權利和義務不清,理財業務跨業經營的法律空白和交集,保底承諾能否突破,監管機制缺失也是急需解決的問題。在我國金融機構理財業務法規的探索中,需要注意在混業經營趨勢下,采取統一立法形式,明確理財業務法律屬性,建立防范利益輸送機制的相關制度。
【Abstract】 Financing business develops rapidly with increasement of national income and financing demand,while all kinds of legal dispute were involved . One of them is about legal attribute of financing business , which gave rise to intense repercussions and widespread debates in an academia and practical circle. The second problem is that vagueness in law can lead to indeterminacies in legal rights and obligations. There are many problems such as mixed operation unavoidably,keeping the promises and the lack of regulation. Using information ,this paper makes the detailed analysis. The conclusion shows that on the other hand there should be a clear and definite law attribut on financing business ,on the other hand a series of system should also be setup.
【Key words】
financial institution;
attribute of financing business;
legislation of financing business;
regulation of financing business;
2、在法治方略下尋求社會管理創新肖北庚 (湖南師范大學法學院) 【摘要】 社會管理創新是我國社會建設事業推進過程中回應現階段經濟政治社會發展的必然要求。在法治方面成為國家根本治國方略的當代,在法治方略下尋求社會管理創新具有現實正當性和優越性;依法適度培植社會組織和規范引導社會組織發展、在立法模式上改過去的行政主導立法為博弈立法、完善稅收法制、立法中更多地吸收社會生活中形成的習慣和慣例、構建政府與社會分工合作各司其職的適法格局等是法治方略下尋求社會管理創新的根本性舉措。社會管理法治化是人類社會發展和法治發展之邏輯必然。
【Abstract】 During the proceeding of Chinese social construction, the innovation of social management is an indispensable requirement in response to the current economic,political and social development. The rule by law has already become the fundamental statecraft of nowadays’ China,therefore the pursuit of social management innovation is endowed with real legitimacy and incomparable superiority. In order to realize the social management innovation,we are supposed to take certain fundamental initiatives,such as to cultivate and develop social organizations under law moderately,to change from the past executiveled legislation mode to the game legislation mode,to perfect the tax legal system,to admit more habits and conventions formed in the social life by legislation,and to build the framework of labor division between the government and the society. Consequently,social management by law is the inevitable logical result of development of human society and the rule by law.
【Key words】
innovation of social management;
social construction;
the rule by law;
society organizations;
3、醫療產品損害責任三論楊立新 (中國人民大學民商事法律科學研究中心) 【摘要】 醫療產品損害責任是《侵權責任法》第59條規定的醫療損害責任類型,關于責任分擔的規則規定得不夠完善,應當根據產品責任的一般規則以及侵權責任法的連帶責任規則進行補充。血液屬于準產品,應當適用醫療產品損害責任規則確定醫療機構的賠償責任。消毒藥劑構成醫療產品損害責任,其缺陷的判定有一定特點。
【Abstract】 Liability for damages caused by medical products is one of the liability for medical damages ruled by Article 59 of Law of Tort Liability. However,the rules about the burden of liability are not perfect, which should be supplemented according to the general rules of product liability and the joint liability of Law of Tort Liability. Blood is quasi product. Medical institution should burden the liability caused by blood according to the rule of liability for damages caused by medical products. The disinfectant can cause the liability for medical damages. But its defect definition has its own characteristics.
【Key words】
liability for damages caused by medical products;
nontypical joint liability;
joint liability;
disin- fectant;
4、基本農田保護的法制探討宋才發 (中央民族大學法學院) 【摘要】 國家著力實施基本農田保護制度,保住基本農田就保住了我國耕地的精華,必須對基本農田依法實施嚴格的監督管理,確定基本農田質量依據和考核標準。必須著力構建和劃定永久性基本農田,狠抓基本農田水利設施建設,深化基本農田土壤改良,推進基本農田機械化耕作,加強基本農田生態環境建設,強化基本農田科技研發和應用,落實基本農田農產品質量安全標準。
【Abstract】 G overnm ent m akes every effort to im plem ent the basic farm land protection system ,which keeps the essence of the basic farm land. It is necessary to im plem ent strict supervision according to law,to determ ine the quality and appraisal standards of basic farm land. W e m ust construct and delim it perm anentbasic farm land,constructthe water conservancy facilities ofbasic farm land,deepen the soil im provem entof basic farm land,and prom ote the m echanized farm ing of basic farm land,strengthen ecological environm ent construction of basic farm land,strengthen the technology developm ent and application basic farm land ofbasic farm land,carry outthe produce quality safety standard ofbasic farm - land.
【Key words】
the basic farm land;
quality basis;
protection system;
5、事實大還是法官大?——論證據排除規則裴蒼齡 (西北政法大學) 【摘要】 證據是認識的基礎、證明的根據、檢驗的標準、思想的指南。什么能當此重任?惟有事實。證據是事實,事實不存在非法、合法的問題。事實是客觀的,既不受法律調整,也不受法律制約,因而證據也沒有合法性。證據不能排除。排除證據的實質是法官睜著眼睛不認事實,排除證據的法官把自己和事實的位置擺錯了,這是一項根本性的錯誤。非法獲取人證是司法警察通過刑訊逼供和指名問供這樣兩重罪行實現的,因而它不是程序,而是程序中的實體。
【Abstract】 Evidance is the basis for cognition and testification,the standard of inspection,and the guide of thinking. Whatcan becom e a burden?O nly the facts. Prooves are facts,while there are no legal or illegalquestions for facts as facts are objective,neither subject to legal regulation nor subject to legal constraints. Therefore,there are no legal questions for prooves. Nor can prooves be ruled out. If a judge would exclude any evidance,it merely means the judge had shut his eyes up before the facts. Such a judge had misplaced prooves and him self,which is a big mistake. Illegally obtaining witness is realized eigherthrough torturing the suspectto extractconfessions orthrough asking fora crime by name for such crimes by the police. O bviously,both conducts are illegitimate. So illegally obtaining witness is the substance ofa procedure rahter than the procedure itself.
【Key words】
torturing the suspectto extractconfessions;
asking for a crime by name;
6、避免雙重征稅協定適用中應注意的幾個問題趙學清;歐蓉蓉 (西南政法大學) 【摘要】 隨著我國對外經濟聯系進一步加強,收入與納稅人的國際化趨勢凸顯,如何避免和減少雙重征稅具有舉足輕重的作用,同時,稅收協定在消除國家間雙重征稅壁壘中,發揮著越來越大的作用。對避免雙重征稅協定適用的特殊性進行分析,提出根據相關沖突法原理和規則處理雙重征稅所涉及的若干問題的路徑和方法。
【Abstract】 With the further strengthening of China’s foreign economics,the international trend of incom e and the taxpayer’s highlights,and how to avoid and reduce double taxation plays a pivotal role. This article analyzes the specialnature of the application of avoidance of double taxation agreem ents and gives the relevantprinciples and the processing path for a number of issues involved in the double taxation in accordance with the rules ofconflictoflaws.
【Key words】
tax jurisdiction;
avoid double taxation;
law application;
7、美國檢察機關庭審階段職權淺析張鴻巍 (廣西大學法學院) 【摘要】 美國檢察官在庭審階段享有較為廣泛的職權,涵蓋出庭支持公訴權、挑選陪審員權、法庭辯論權及對陪審團指示的檢察建議權等等。其中,檢察官在庭審階段的法庭辯論權,大體上又可分為開庭陳述權、展示證據權、交叉詢問權與結案陳詞權等等。此外,檢察官在法官向陪審團作出指示前,亦可提出相應檢察建議。
【Abstract】 At the trialphases,the American prosecutors usually exercise wide range of authorities,including the rights to supportprosecution in court,selectjurors,debate and provide advice to jury instructions and so forth. Among them ,as forthe rights to debate,itincludes the rights to startwith opening statem ent, reveal rebuttal evidence,conduct cross-exam ination and conclude with closing argum ent,etc. In addition,prosecutors could also provide his advices to judge before jury instructions.
【Key words】
Am erican prosecutor’s office;
right to support prosecution in court;
right to select jurors;
right to debate;
rightto provide the advice to jury instructions;
8、論國家義務概念之確立與發展蔣銀華 (廣州大學檢察理論研究中心) 【摘要】 對國家、人權思想變遷的基本史實與思想史進行簡要梳理,論述國家義務是國家起源的孿生物,國家義務是實現國家目的的有效途徑,凡人權所在之處,即為國家義務并行之時,相關制度設計為國家義務的確立提供了可行性方案,發現國家義務形成于《大憲章》時期,確立于17世紀英國資產階級革命時期以及闡述其在近當代的發展變遷,并進一步總結出國家負有人權保障義務屬應有之義。
【Abstract】 This paper,while presenting a brief review on the evolution of the theory of nation and hum an rights, referring to the basic historical facts and intellectual history,argues that nations’obligations grow synchronically with the origin of it,that nations’obligation is an effective m eans of achieving nations’ goals,that hum an rights go side by side with nations’obligations and that the designing of relevant system s provides a feasible fram ework for the establishm ent of nations’obligations. This paper also reveals the developm entofthe conceptofnations’obligations from its presence in The GreatChart,to its establishm entin British capitalism revolution era and the latest developm ents in contem porary society. The author further concludes that inherently,a nation bears the responsibility of safeguarding hum an rights.
【Key words】
nation’s goals;
safeguarding ofhum an rights;
nation’s obligations;
9、社會保障主體義務分擔機制研究——以政府履行社會保障義務為視角楊淑霞 (廣州大學檢察理論研究中心) 【摘要】 2011年7月1日生效的《中華人民共和國社會保險法》,以法律形式確立了我國"政府主導型"的社會保障模式。歷史和現實昭示:各級政府履行社會保障義務的優劣,直接影響公民各項社會保險權利的實現,關系社會的和諧穩定。貫徹實施《社會保險法》,應針對政府履行社保義務存在的問題,根據不同社保項目的特點,確定中央和地方政府分擔社會保障義務的機制。
【Abstract】 The Social Insurance Law ofthe People’s Republic of China,which came into effectin 1stJuly,2011, establishes a "leading by the governm ent"style society security. The history and the present tell that, the grade of how the society security obligation is perform ed by alllevels ofgovernm ents directly infects on the fulfillment of allkinds of citizens’social insurance rights and concerns the harm ony and stability of the society. The implem entation ofSocialInsurance Law of the People’s Republic of China,should be directed against the existing problem s of governm ents’perform ance in fulfilling the society security obligations,and should be according to the characters ofdifferentitem s of society security,establish a obligation sharing mechanism between centralgovernm entand localgovernm ents as well.
【Key words】
the right of society security;
perform ance defect;
obligation sharing mechanism;
duty of scrutiny;
10、馳名商標保護的異化與理性回歸溫芽清(河北經貿大學經濟管理學院);南振興 (石家莊經濟學院) 【摘要】 馳名商標保護的價值目標,隨其保護范圍和保護標準的演進,歷經了消費者中心主義和商標權人中心主義,但至善至美的價值目標應是商標私權與社會公共利益的精妙均衡與和諧。我國馳名商標保護過度關懷商標權而忽視社會公共利益,從而導致了世所罕見的認定異化—立法異化—司法異化的進路,認定方式異化為主動、批量、集中認定,認定效力異化為全域長期有效,認定標準異化為好聲譽、高質量、大銷量,保護范圍異化為全類一統保護。要徹底實現我國馳名商標保護的理性回歸,必須深植其價值目標之"根",培育其價值理念之"土";重塑其事后終極救濟性、被動、個案認定的即時有效性的運行機制;建立馳名商標反淡化制度;優化制度環境,規制認定自由裁量;規范企業對馳名商標的使用。
【Abstract】 With the evolution of scope and standard of famous tradem ark’s protection,the value target of famous tradem ark has experienced the change from consumer-centered to rightholder-centered. Butthe perfect value targetoftradem ark should be the exquisite and delicate balance and harm ony between private right and social public interest. The protection of fam ous tradem ark in China has been given excessive concern to tradem ark rightrather than socialpublic interestwhich had led to a scarce way ofevolution: recognizing alienation-legislative alienation-judicial alienation. The alienation of recognizing method appears to be initiative,batch and centralized;the effectiveness of recognizing has become countryround and long term ;the standard ofrecognizing has aliened to be good credit,high quality and large sum ofselling and the scope of protection has extended to the whole category of the com modities. To realize the rational regression of the protection of famous tradem ark in China,we should plant the "root"of its value target and foster the "soil"of its value idea;reconstruct the mechanism of its afterward remedy,passive and individualrecognition as wellas timely and effective running mechanism . Meanwhile,we should also establish the anti-dilution system of famous trademark,optimize the environment of system ,regulate and recognize discretionary of trademark and standardize the use of famous trademark.
【Key words】
famous trademark;
alienation ofsystem;
value target;
11、占有在現代財產制度中的地位申明———一種基于動態沖突的考察季境 (西南政法大學應用法學院) 【摘要】 占有因其獨占性、排他性以及在動產上所獨具的權利外觀效力,導致其負載權利與第三人利益的沖突,成為物權法調整客觀公正與交易安全的關鍵制度。在對占有性質重新定位的前提下,通過對財產制度中占有關系的檢索,可在交易各方主體的利益沖突關系中對占有概念進行理性的闡釋。通過對此類占有關系的剖析,并通過對占有的性質———法益的進一步抽象,可以厘清占有中法益在財產制度中的具體法律價值。其體現為本權的沖突上屬排他性沖突,保護方法上為非此即彼:或保護權利或保護第三人利益。
【Abstract】 Possession has traits of monopolistic,exclusive and representing the right of personal property. These features led to the confliction with third party rights. Possession becom es a key legal system relating justice and transaction security in property law. From a new perspective,we can have a rational explanation aboutthe conflictions between differentparties. With this perspective,we can have deeper understanding of the legal value of possession. At the end,we can choose to protect the rights represented by possession or to protectthird party rights.
【Key words】
equitable share of benefits;
transaction security;
12、民商法在中國古代法中的地位和發展歷程王瑞 (北方工業大學文法學院法律系) 【摘要】 中國古代存在規范意義上的民商法,中國古代民商法是在以刑為主、諸法合體的封建保守法律體系中得以存在和發展的,其在中國古代法律體系中一直處于從屬與次要的地位,民商法典始終沒有從刑法典中獨立出來,并且,民法與商法規范也是不加區分地混在一起。中國古代民商法律規范經歷了一個從少到多,從簡單到復雜,從民刑不分到民刑有分,從相對分散到相對集中的發展歷程。
【Abstract】 In ancientChina,there were civiland commerciallaw provisions although there were no civilcode and commercialcode. The civiland com m erciallaw provisions were hidden in the crim inal code,and they were in a subordinate position. The civil code and commercial code were never independent from the crim inalcode in ancientChina. Butthe civiland commercial law provisions passed a way from less to more,from simple to complex.
【Key words】
civiland commerciallaw;
the law ofancientChina;
13、論犯罪故意程度的劃分及其法律價值朱俊強 (廣州大學檢察理論研究中心) 【摘要】 犯罪故意不僅有類型之分,而且有程度之分;我國刑法學界對此缺乏探討,不利于此領域研究的深入發展。國外同仁的探討,雖然給了我們一些啟示,但仍有失偏頗。依據故意心理態度形成過程中的自覺性/獨立性狀況,犯罪故意程度可劃分為主動故意、被動故意和被迫故意三個程度遞減的層次,這種劃分具有重要的司法價值和立法價值,體現了罪責刑相統一的法治精神,有利于制約法官的自由裁量權,有利于對我國刑法相關規定的理論探討。
【Abstract】 Criminal intention may be classified into different types according to the degree of the intention. Inadequate research ofthis problem in the crim inalacademy of China is unfavorable forthe further study in this field. Researches and studies ofthe foreign experts,which may offerus some enlightenm ent,are stillbiased. According to the consciousness or independence constituted in the process of intentionally psychological attitude,crim inal intention degree may be degressively divided into active intention, passive intention and forced intention. Division in this way indicates im portant judicial value and legislative value,and em bodies the legal consistency of crimes and crim inal liabilities. It helps to restrictthe judges’discretion and facilitate the theoretical discussion of the relevant provisions of the Chinese crim inallaw.
【Key words】
crim inalintention;
14、我國自洗錢行為不獨立成罪的原因分析姚兵 (北京市社科院首都綜治研究所) 【摘要】 從理論上講,傳統的行為理論和牽連犯理論不支持單獨追訴自洗錢行為;從立法上說,刑法定性+定量的犯罪設立標準、上游犯罪的重刑配置和國際上對單獨追究自洗錢行為的非強制性要求使中國刑法無須單獨追究自洗錢行為;就司法而言,實踐中能夠通過將自洗錢評價為提高法定刑檔次或從重處罰的"情節"來實現罪刑均衡使自洗錢行為獨立成罪缺乏實踐動力。
【Abstract】 In theory,the traditionalbehavior theory and implicated theory don’tsupporta separate prosecution for money laundering;In legislation,the reasons why self-money laundering dose not constitute a crime independently include the standard of qualitative and quantitative,the heavy penalty of predicate offenses and the non-m andatory requirem ents of international provision;In adm inistration of justice, there is little power m ake self-money laundering to constitute a crime independently because it can be evaluated the plotwhich im prove the grade of legal punishm ent or be punished severely to achieve the balance of crime and punishm entin practice.
【Key words】
money laundering crim e;
self-money laundering;
notconstitute a crime independently;
15、危險個人概念的產生溯源呂新建(蘇州大學法學院) 【摘要】 危險個人概念產生于19世紀中后期。當時,工業經濟快速發展,人口迅猛增加,但社會環境惡化,危險個人大量涌現,嚴重威脅著社會安全。這一概念的產生還受到了實證主義、達爾文進化論以及精神病學的發展的影響,而且與國家懲罰權力的轉型密切相關。
【Abstract】 The concept of dangerous individuals stems from the late 19th century. Atthattime,industrialeconomy developed fastly and population increased rapidly,but due to social environm ental deteriorated, dangerous individuals emerged in a large am ount,it was a serious threat to social security. The generation ofthe conceptinfluenced by the developm entof the positivism ,Darwin’s theory of evolution and the psychiatry,and also the transform ation ofthe state punishm entpower closely related.
【Key words】
dangerous individual;
discipline power;
theory ofevolution;
16、論《私營企業暫行條例》的存與廢楊積堂 (北京聯合大學應用文理學院) 【摘要】 《私營企業暫行條例》自1988年頒布實施以來已經23年有余,其立法的背景和實施的環境早已發生了根本性的改變,更重要的是該條例的相應規定很多都已過時,且與其后出臺的很多法律相矛盾、相沖突,尤其是《公司法》、《合伙企業法》和《個人獨資企業法》相繼單獨立法并頒布施行后,《私營企業暫行條例》失去了存在的根基。因此,及時廢止《私營企業暫行條例》是必然的選擇。尤其是不能任"暫行"條例無限期地暫行下去,以確保立法的科學性和嚴肅性。
【Abstract】 Twenty-three years has passed since Provisional Regulations of People’s Republic of China on Private Enterprises was prom ulgated and implemented. Its legislative background and im plem ented environm ent have undergone the essentialchanges. M ore im portantly,m any corresponding regulations have been out of date as well as in contradiction to the laws later prom ulgated. Especially,with the Company Law, Partnership Business Law and Law of Individual Sole Investor Enterprise separately and successively prom ulgated,Provisional Regulations of People’s Republic of China on Private Enterprises lost its existence foundation. Therefore,prom ptly repealing Provisional Regulations of People’s Republic of China on Private Enterprises is an inevitable choice. Particularly,provisional regulations should not be exited for an infinite period,thus the scientific nature and seriousness oflegislation can be guaranteed.
【Key words】
private enterprises;
17、環境財產權制度構建理論研究崔金星 (西南科技大學法學院/西南政法大學經濟法學院) 【摘要】 權利基礎研究是部門法理論發展的源泉,以環境權理論引領并承載環境法制度的縱深發展困難重重。環境財產權公法性私權的研究視角,直面資源時代生態保護的現實立法需求和個體性私權保護的憲政價值,拓展環境法制度架構空間,開展環境法與傳統部門法的對話。環境財產權尊重并吸納國家環境政策與制度創新的實踐成果,以環境利用和保護中的財產利益為中心,探求排污權、環境容量使用權、環境利用權、生態效益受益權等管制型環境私權法理基礎和生長空間。并圍繞環境財產權制度目標的實現,探求環境財產權保護的制度平臺和國家環境制度創新的發展方向。
【Abstract】 Research ofbasic rights is the source of the development for the department law. Environm ental right theory has much difficulty in leading the further development of environmental law. From the perspective of public law,research of environm ental property rights could deal well with the value conflicts of the constitutionalprotection for private rights and requirem ent of ecological protection,and expand the space of institutional fram ework of environm ental law,carry out a dialogue between the traditionalbranches of law and environm ental law. The purpose of environm ental property rights is to inductthe practical institutional innovation of environm ental protection,find the common principle of the emission rights,the rights for using environm ental capacity,beneficial rights for environm ental benefits,etc,explore the nationalin stitutional innovation platform for the environm entalprotection.
【Key words】
environm entalproperty rights;
environm entalrights;
private right of public law;
institutional innovation;
18、擎制與突圍:法院受理環境公益訴訟案件動力機制的缺陷與重塑劉超 (華僑大學法學院) 【摘要】 理論界和實務界對環境公益訴訟的研究普遍忽視了法院/法官對于環境公益訴訟案件的認知與態度,當前法院與法官普遍對于環境公益訴訟持有保守與拒絕的態度,其原因在于法院受理環境公益訴訟案件的動力機制存在缺陷:法律依據不足、專門環境訴訟機制缺位,法院排斥群體性訴訟,環保法庭的制度突破難以獲得法官群體的廣泛認同。因此,必須從完善環境公益訴訟的法律依據、構建系統的環境訴訟機制體系、進行專業培訓和環境問題的社會建構等幾個方面開發與重塑法院受理環境公益訴訟案件的動力機制。
【Abstract】 The study oftheorists and practitioners on environm entalpublic interestlitigation is com prehensive,but they generally ignore the knowledge and attitudes of court/judge on environm ental public interest litigation. The current court and judges generally adopt a conservative attitude and refuse to environm entalpublic interestlitigation. The reason is that,when courtacceptthe environm entalpublic interestlitigation case,the dynam ic mechanism is defective. These defects include:lack oflegalbasis; the absence of specialm echanisms forenvironm entallitigation,courtrejection of mass action,judges do notagree with the system break of environm ental court. Therefore,we must com plete the dynamic mechanism of the court from the following aspects:improve the legal basis for environm ental public interest litigation,build the mechanism system of environm entallitigation,professional training,social construction ofenvironm entalproblems.
【Key words】
environm entalpublic interestlitigation;
dynamic mechanism;
19、論既判力理論在民事訴訟司法實踐中的適用鄧輝輝 (桂林電子科技大學法學院) 【摘要】 既判力理論在我國民事訴訟中處在理論上的重視與立法上的輕視、實踐中的漠視之尷尬境地。傳統法律文化的缺乏、法律繼受歷史的排斥、市場經濟不發達和職權主義訴訟模式的制約、司法權威性的缺失、法官法律素質和職業道德的影響是既判力理論在民事訴訟司法實踐中適用存在困境的原因。為了擺脫既判力理論在民事訴訟司法實踐中適用存在的困境,應當在思想層面上樹立既判力的觀念,進一步深化既判力理念的研究,在立法上全面、正確地體現既判力理論,加強對當事人的程序保障,深化司法體制改革以增強司法權威性,大力提高法官的法律素質和職業道德水準。
【Abstract】 The theory ofres judicata in ourcivilaction is in an embarrassing stituation thatitis paid attention to in theory while itis neglected in legislation and ignored in practice. The reasons are as following:the lack oftraditionallegalculture,the exclusion of the law history,the constraints of the undeveloped market economy and ex officio litigation system ,the lack ofjudicialauthority,the effectofjudges’legal ethics and professionalethics. In orderto getrid ofthe em barrassing situation ofresjudicata theory,we should setthe concept of res judicata in the ideological level to further deepen the relevant research,let the theory ofresjudicata reflected in the legislation fully and correetly,strengthen the proceduralsafeguards to the parties,deepen judicial reform to strengthen the judicial authority,and greatly enhance the judges’ legaland professionalethics.
【Key words】
theory of res judicata;
judicial application;
20、代位權訴訟中債務人權益保護淺析王超(秦皇島職業技術學院);姜瑞云 (石家莊機械化步兵學院政治理論室) 【摘要】 代位權作為債的保全制度之一,其設立的目的在于督促債務人積極追索其擁有的債權,以維護債權人的利益。我國的代位權制度在維護債權人利益的同時,在立法上卻忽略了債務人的利益保護。必須從多個層面修改和完善代位權制度,以期達到在維護債權人利益的同時,亦防止損害債務人利益。
【Abstract】 Subrogation as one of the debt security system s is to urge the debtors set up their own positive claim s of recourse to safeguard the interests ofcreditors. Our subrogation system is also established for this purpose.However,it neglects in legislation to protectthe interests of the debtors.We should im prove the subrogation system to wellprotectthe interests of the creditors,and to protectthe interests ofthe debtors as well.
【Key words】
21、社會整合與人民法庭的功能定位劉新星(西南政法大學行政法學院) 【摘要】 隨著鄉村社會轉型,鄉民與國家、家庭、傳統規范之間的紐帶早已松懈,個人對社會保有的團結情感和道德責任感隨之淡薄,鄉村社會的整合問題將越來越突出。人民法庭的司法運作在修復國家與鄉民之間的關系,加強社會整合方面的功能越來越重要。雖然不少研究對人民法庭能動的、便民的司法運行模式持否定態度,但若立足于整體分析的方法與視角,從人民法庭對鄉村社會整合的功能意義出發卻可以發現,這其實是人民法庭的功能性必要條件。
【Abstract】 In the process ofsocialtransform ation,the link which between the villagers and the state,or between the villagers and fam ilies,or between the villagers and the traditional norm s has slack. As the em otional and moral responsibility indifference,the integration problem of rural community will become more and more prom inent. In the repairing the relationship between the state and the villagers,and m aintaining the socialidentity and strengthening socialintegration, the role and function of people’s court are m ore and m ore im portant. Although many research don’t agree with the judicialway ofpeople’s court,based on the integral analysis method and the perspective,we found the active judicial way is the functional essentials of people’s court from itproceeding on rural social integration functions.
【Key words】
people’s court;
22、人大"審議意見"芻議陳金玉 (河北省人大常委會) 【摘要】 聽取和審議"一府兩院"專項工作報告、執法檢查是各級人大常委會常用的主要監督形式。隨著《監督法》和《河北省實施﹤監督法﹥辦法》的實施,聽取報告、執法檢查→提出審議意見→"一府兩院"研究處理→報告處理情況→向社會公布,逐漸形成了一個工作閉合路徑。審議意見越來越多的使用,已成為人大常委會綜合運用監督形式的有機組成部分,成為"一府兩院"做好整改工作的主要依據。重視理性思考,探析法定含義,正確運用和規范"一府兩院"研究處理審議意見,對于不斷提高監督質量,增強整改效果,顯得十分必要。
23、追尋對沖基金監管法制路徑——嬗變與評述鳳建軍 (清華大學法學院) 【摘要】 對沖基金是美國"非銀行金融體系"的重要組成部分之一,其長期存在于美國的金融市場中,并且呈現出不斷發展壯大的趨勢,盡管美國相關金融法制一直在尋求金融監管與金融創新之間的平衡,但在美國金融混業經營模式下,對對沖基金監管的漏洞將可能引發"系統性風險",尤其是金融危機的出現更加堅定了立法者和監管者必須采取措施填補這一監管漏洞。《多得-弗蘭克法案》對對沖基金等私募基金的監管進行了立法改革,采取了相應的監管措施。追尋美國關于對沖基金監管法制改革歷程,其充分反映了金融立法中自由、安全、公平、效率等法律價值的動態博弈。
【Abstract】 Hedge fund is one of the mostim portantparts of the "non-bank financialsystem "in the U .S. With the development of hedge fund,the financial regulators wantto seek a balance between financialregulation and financialinnovation in financial regulation law. Because the U .S. chooses the model of financial mixed operation,the regulation gap of hedge fund will cause the "system atic risk". Now under the background offinancialcrisis,the legislator and regulator make up their minds to take measures to fill this gap. The related reforms of Dodd-Frank Acttighten the supervision over the hedge fund. Looking back the reform progress of hedge fund regulation,we will find this progress is a dynam ic game about the value of freedom ,security,justice and efficiency in the financiallaw.
【Key words】
hedge fund;
system atic risk;
Dodd-Frank Act;
24、貪污賄賂犯罪死刑制度爭議問題研究李煒 (河北工業大學管理學院) 【摘要】 死刑作為刑罰體系中最嚴厲的一種制度,對中國各個歷史時期的政治、經濟和社會都產生了重要影響。貪污賄賂犯罪作為一種世界現象,在當今中國引起高度關注和普遍聲討。對當前形勢下貪污賄賂犯罪死刑制度的存廢、對貪污賄賂犯罪"死緩"的適用等爭議問題進行系統研究和理性思考。
25、農民工勞資糾紛司法救濟的困境與破解——檢察機關支持起訴的視角曹國華(浙江省桐鄉市人民檢察院);陶伯進 (南京大學法學院) 【摘要】 農民工是我國社會轉型過程中出現的特殊群體,由于其自身和社會的原因導致其利益更易受侵害,而非制度化的私力救濟往往構成社會風險的重要來源。通過支持起訴制度將其權利救濟納入正當化程序有利于消除風險的不確定性。檢察機關對農民工支持起訴應在充分尊重私權自治基礎上,遵循合法、謙抑和有限原則,檢察機關支持起訴的案件范圍為農民工因為勞動關系而產生實際損害。在對農民工支持起訴活動中,檢察機關兼具訴訟程序參與者和法律監督者的雙重地位,相應地具有立案權、收集證據權、提出支持起訴意見權、出席法庭權、對審判活動提出意見權和抗訴權等職權。
26、論檢察官充當刑事和解調解人角色的理性思考錢昌夫(浙江省紹興市越城區人民檢察院);彭新華 (浙江省紹興市人民檢察院) 【摘要】 調解人角色的選擇直接影響刑事和解模式。我國法學理論界強調由社區等民間組織承擔刑事和解調解人,檢察實踐中卻出現檢察官直接調解、委托人民調解員調解和當事人自行和解等多元化模式。通過對世界各國刑事和解調解人角色定位的比較分析,以及對當前我國刑事和解的實證分析,檢察官直接充當刑事和解調解人是一種理性選擇。
27、基層檢察室開展社區矯正檢察工作初探——以浙江省湖州市長興縣人民檢察院的探索實踐為例朱為學;顧浩 (浙江省湖州市長興縣人民檢察院)【摘要】 社區矯正作為新型的刑罰執行方式和行為矯治模式,必須由鄉鎮街道等基層社區矯正組織以貼近被執行人生產生活的方式開展,這就必然要求相應的檢察監督工作也要隨之深入基層。從理論和實踐出發,闡述基層檢察室的設立對推進社區矯正檢察工作的意義。
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