


http://www.zenchang.cn  2012-7-24 14:54:23  來源:中國法學會網

1 、尹田教授
【摘要】 <正>尹田,男,1954年2月出生,四川宜賓人。1983年畢業于西南政法大學法律系,后留該校任教,1985年破格評為講師,1992年評為副教授,1992年由國家教委公派赴法國圖盧茲社會科學大學留學,1993年底回國后任西南政法大學法
【關鍵詞】 物權法; 中國民法典; 立法研究; 天津師范大學; 社會科學; 副教授; 法律系; 四川宜賓; 理論評析; 合同法;
2 、論利用影響力受賄罪司法認定中的幾個問題  高銘暄;陳冉(北京師范大學刑事法律研究所); 
【摘要】 利用影響力受賄罪是《中華人民共和國刑法修正案(七)》中的新增罪名,雖然其在犯罪構成上與斡旋受賄行為有相似性,但在具體理解上卻有明顯的區別。利用影響力受賄罪的犯罪主體不僅包括了近親屬還包括了"其他"密切關系人,在近親屬的理解上應當采取民事關系認定中的廣義概念,在其他密切關系人的認定上要結合客觀條件具體判斷,做到主客觀相統一。在判斷行為人是否利用影響力時,應按照一般人的標準進行事前判斷,在影響力對象的判斷上需要結合具體情況具體分析。
【Abstract】 In the Criminal Law amendment(Ⅶ), bribery by using influence is a newly-increased crime. Although it is similar with mediating bribery crime in behavior style, there are obvious differences in understanding the constitution of the two crimes. This paper, based on two actual cases, introduces the object of the crime and the standard on judging influence. The object of crime of bribery by using influence includes not only close relatives that should be identified in civil law legal relationship, but also others who has close relationship with it. We should judge the influence according to the rule set for the general people and analyze it in concrete situation. Besides, in order to deal with the phenomenon of false promises and people who link the relationship for bribery, we discuss the theory of fraud, accomplice and intermediary behavior from the perspective of the distinction between the bribery by using influence and the common bribery.
【關鍵詞】 密切關系人; 利用影響力; 虛假承諾; 中間環節;
【Key words】 close relationship using influence false promises intermediate link;
3 、試析有組織犯罪的演變特征及存在形態  張遠煌;林德核(北京師范大學法學院);  
【摘要】 我國有關黑社會性質組織犯罪的立法雖經多次修訂和司法解釋,不僅仍難以消除理論上的紛爭和執法上的不統一,而且客觀上也難以發揮遏制有組織犯罪發展的功能。立法與司法的這種無為狀態,表面上看只是立法規范的表述問題,實質上則是因這一刑事規范本身缺乏堅實的事實基礎導致在立法觀念與規范設計上出現重大缺陷。科學立法的基礎在于把握力圖調控的犯罪事實特征及其本土性的現實反映。唯有如此,才能確立科學的有組織犯罪觀念,并不斷地完善有效打擊有組織犯罪的法律制度。
【Abstract】 Though legislation on the underworld organized crime in China has repeatedly been amended and interpreted, it still cannot eliminate the theoretical disputes and objectively it is hard to play the roles in curbing the development of organized crime. This inaction of legislation and judicature is seemingly due to the expression of the legal norms, but the real reason is that this criminal code is not based the true facts, which leads to the serious flaws in the legislative ideas and the design of norms. Scientific legislation should be based the true facts of organized crime in China. Only in this way can we establish the scientific concept of organized crime and design effective system of rules against it.
【關鍵詞】 有組織犯罪; 演變特征; 存在形態; 立法弊端;
【Key words】 organized crime characteristics of evolution form of presence legislative defect;
4 、論我國未成年人前科消滅制度的構建  黃曉亮;徐嘯宇(北京師范大學法學院);   
【摘要】 未成年人是一個特殊的群體,對未成年人的保護一直為社會所廣泛關注。我國《刑法》關于前科報告制度的規定毫無例外地適用于未成年人,對于那些剛剛步入社會的年輕人來說,如果因曾經的犯罪行為而背負一生難以擺脫的"罪犯"標簽,其負面影響之深遠不容忽視。《中華人民共和國刑法修正案(八)》關于未成年人免除前科報告義務的規定為未成年人前科消滅制度的構建打開了一個缺口,引發我們關于建立未成年人前科消滅制度的深入思考。
【Abstract】 Juvenile formed a special group and the protection of juvenile has been extensively concerned by the society. According to China criminal law, the rule of reporting criminal record is applied to the juvenile without exception. So juvenile will be under the crime label for all their lives, meanwhile it has the ever-profound negative impact. The eighth criminal law amendment provided a train of thought that we should research on the topic of elimination of juvenile’s criminal record seriously. We focus on the necessity and practicability of establishing the legal system of eliminating juvenile’s criminal record, and provide specific design of regulations on the basis of the experience of foreign countries.
【關鍵詞】 未成年人; 前科; 消滅;
【Key words】 juvenile delinquency criminal record elimination;
5 、論牽連犯的內涵、特征及處罰原則  馮野光(吉林師范大學法政學院);閆莉(北京市海淀區人民檢察院);  
【摘要】 牽連犯在我國立法上未作出明文規定,理論界存在多種觀點,不能達成共識。本文對牽連犯的內涵、特征及處罰原則進行了探討,分析了法學界的各種觀點,經過考查認為對于牽連犯仍然適合從一重處斷的處罰原則。 
【Abstract】 The term of implicated offense is not clearly stipulated in writing in the legislation of our country. In term of theory there are some different opinions that get no common view. The article approaches implicated offense from the connotation, feature and rules of punishment, analyzing different opinions in the field of law. One point is to adopt inflict punishment with one heavier crime to implicated offense.
【關鍵詞】 牽連犯的內涵; 牽連犯的特征; 處罰原則;
【Key words】 connotation of implicated offense feature of implicated offense rules of punishment;
6 、遏制恐怖活動的法律思考——《關于加強反恐怖工作有關問題的決定》評析  張磊(北京師范大學刑事法律科學研究院);孔凡學(山東省濟寧市人民檢察院);   
【摘要】 《關于加強反恐怖工作有關問題的決定》界定了恐怖活動等相關概念的內涵,明確了反恐工作領導機構和組織力量,建立了恐怖活動組織和人員名單的認定和公布制度,完善了涉恐資產的凍結機制。但是《關于加強反恐怖工作有關問題的決定》還只是一個框架性的產物,需要進一步出臺實施細則以彌補其不足,同時在適當時機出臺專門的《反恐法》,開創反恐立法新格局。 
【Abstract】 Decision of Strengthening Anti-terrorism Issues offers a definite connotation of terrorism and other related concept, emphasizes the anti-terrorism leadership & organizational power, sets up determination and announcement system of terrorist organization and personnel list, improves the mechanism of terrorism-related assets frozen. But the decision is only a frame of product, needs further implementing rules. We should develop anti-terrorism law timely so as to start a new pattern of anti-terrorism legislation.
【關鍵詞】 反恐; 恐怖活動; 概念; 涉恐資產;
【Key words】 anti-terrorism terrorist activity concept terrorism-related assets;
7 、農村集體土地征收中被征收人的權利缺損及其補全——從以集體所有權為中心到以農民用益物權為中心  張力(西南政法大學民商法學院);  
【摘要】 農民集體土地所有權由于缺乏一級市場上的價值發現機制,同時公益性征收中土地改變用途未必能產生地價增值,導致農村集體土地征收中被征收人權利缺損難以通過以集體所有權為中心的補償制度來彌補。新農村建設中農民土地承包經營權等用益物權不僅是未來農民個體生存權與發展權獲得實現的主要法律形式,農民用益物權流通市場的發展也使之更充分的被市場發現價值,從而針對農民用益物權的專門補償適合成為彌補農村集體土地公益性征收中被征收人權利缺損的新的制度中心。  
【Abstract】 The legal form in which the farmers’ right to live and right to development can be achieved in the future and the development of circulation market of farmers’ usufructuary rights market can make the value discovery better, the specialized compensation directing at farmers’ usufructuary rights is suitable for the new center of the system that could complete the farmer’s right deficiency in the expropriation of rural collectively-owned land for public good.
【關鍵詞】 征收補償; 集體所有權; 農民用益物權;
【Key words】 compensation of expropriation collective ownership farmers’ usufructuary rights;
8 、城市房屋產權的保護:責任規則、財產規則與管制性征收  魏建(吉林大學數量經濟研究中心); 
【摘要】 《征收條例》實現了房屋產權保護方式從"責任規則"到"財產規則"的轉變,提高了文本意義上的產權保護水平,但《征收條例》下被征收人的福利水平和社會福利水平的提高都面臨著不確定性,要取決于政府的行為。事實上,《征收條例》的實施在一定程度上激勵政府采取管制性征收的方式獲得房屋產權,使得被征收人的利益受到更大的侵害。因此要從政府、法院、被征收人等多方面著力才能促進實現"高補償、低交易成本"的征收最優狀態。  
【Abstract】 The Ordinance changes the way of house property right protection from the responsibility rule to property rule, and improves the level of proper intellectual property protection on text meaning, but increase of the welfare level of the people is being expropriated and society welfare faces uncertainties from the Ordinance, it depends on the government behavior. In fact, to some extent, implementation of the Ordinance motivates the government gaining the house property right by regulatory taking, making the interests of subject being expropriated receive more infringement. So we should promote the best state of high compensation, low trade cost’ from the governments,courts,people being expropriated,etc.
【關鍵詞】 城市房屋產權; 房屋征收; 責任規則; 財產規則; 管制性征收;
【Key words】 property rights of urban housing housing levy liability rules property rules regulatory taking;
9 、征地補償與農民財產權益保護問題研究  王鐵雄(上海海事大學法學院); 
【摘要】 通過借鑒國外征收補償與財產權保護法制的先進經驗,結合我國征收補償與財產權保護法制歷史與現狀,在學術界已有研究成果的基礎上,針對我國征地補償實踐中存在的"有法不依"和"無法可依"現象與我國現行征地補償與農民財產權益保護法律制度中存在的主要問題,為改革我國征地補償與農民財產權益保護法律制度提供對策建議:堅持農民財產權益保護、征地和補償三位一體、從保護農民財產權益角度改革征地補償法律制度;從實體法與程序法上建構對農民財產權益的制度性保護與個別性保護,以改變征地實踐中"有法不依"與"無法可依"現象、確保農民財產權益的存續保護與價值保護。  
【Abstract】 Referring to the advanced experience of foreign legal system in takings and compensation and property protection, which combines with our country’s history and current situation of legal system in takings and compensation and property protection, on the basis of the academic research achievements, aiming at the phenomenon of "no laws to abide by" and "failure to observe the law" in our country’s practice of land’s takings and compensation and the general problems in our current legal system about land’s takings and compensation and protection for farmers’ property rights, there are proper countermeasures and suggestions to reform our current legal system in land’s takings and compensation and protection for farmers’ property rights:i.e.,insisting on Trinity of protection for farmers’ property rights and land’s takings and compensation to reform legal system of land’s takings and compensation in the view of protecting farmers’ property rights; constructing institutional and individual protection for farmers’ property rights according to substantive law and procedural law in order to convert the phenomenon of "no laws to abide by" and "failure to observe the law" in our country’s practice of land’s takings and ensure surviving and value protection for farmers’ property rights.
【關鍵詞】 土地征收; 補償安置; 農民; 財產權保護; 法律對策;
【Key words】 takings of land compensation and resettlement farmers protection for property right legal countermeasure;
10 、公平正義是化解社會矛盾的根本原則  孫國華;方林(中國人民大學法學院);  
【摘要】 重視和做好社會矛盾化解是新時期、新形勢下我國的現實要求,也是構建和諧社會的必要條件。社會矛盾實質上是最終受一定社會物質生活條件制約的社會關系、利益關系的矛盾,公平正義則是在這種物質生活條件下基本適合生產力發展要求的、達到一定平衡的從而能為大多數人認同為公平、正義的利益關系。實現社會主義初級階段的公平正義是預防和化解現階段我國的社會矛盾的根本原則,完善社會主義法制、厲行法治是實現社會公平正義、預防和化解社會矛盾的根本原則和基本條件。 
【Abstract】 Emphasizing and successfully resolving social contradictions is the practical requirement of the new situation in the new period of China, as well as the necessary condition for constructing a harmonious society. The essence of social contradictions is the contradiction of interest relationships, which is the reflection of the production relationship under certain productivity conditions within the ultimate constraints of social material conditions, and also the demonstration of contradictions and conflicts of other social relationships and interest relationships constrained by this kind of production relationship. Fairness and justice is a kind of interest relationship agreed by the majority in a certain condition of social life, which is regarded as a certain balance among rightful interest relationships. Realizing socialist fairness and justice is the fundamental principle of preventing against and resolving social contradictions in China, while advanced socialist legal system and ruling of law is the important safeguard to realize socialist fairness and justice as well as preventing against and resolving social contradictions.
【關鍵詞】 社會矛盾; 公平正義; 法制; 法治;
【Key words】 social contradictions fairness and justice legal system rule of law;
11 、人民調解制度的創新與發展  劉敏(南京師范大學法學院);    
【摘要】 進入21世紀以后,我國人民調解無論在立法上,還是在實務中,都出現了比較大的創新,人民調解組織不再局限于村委會和居委會的人民調解委員會;人民調解員不再局限于村民委員會成員、居民委員會成員及群眾選舉產生的公民;人民調解協議具有合同效力;人民調解與訴訟(司法)實現了有效銜接與對接。在調解全球化的趨勢下,要保持我國人民調解的活力,并發揮更大的作用,有必要進一步明確人民調解在我國糾紛解決體系中的地位,更好地處理好人民調解與訴訟的關系,深刻把握人民調解的正當性基礎,嚴格規范人民調解員的行為。  
【Abstract】 More innovations appear both in legislation and practice in people’s mediation of China after its entering into the 21st century. People’s mediation organizations are no longer confined to people’s mediation committees of village committees or neighborhood committees; people’s mediators are no longer limited to members of village committees and neighborhood committees or citizens elected by the masses; people’s mediation agreement has a validity of contract; people’s mediation has achieved an effective link up and docking with litigation(Justice).To maintain the vitality of people’s mediation in China and make it play a greater role under the trend of mediation globalization, it is necessary for us to further clarify the status of people’s mediation in Chinese dispute settlement system, to better handle the relationship between people’s mediation and litigation, to profoundly grasp of the legitimacy ground of people’s mediation, and to strictly regulate the behaviors of people’s mediators.
【關鍵詞】 人民調解; 創新; 發展; 合意; 保密;
【Key words】 people’s mediation development agreement confidentiality;
12 、綠色經濟在中國的啟蒙與復興  周珂(中國人民大學法學院);歐陽杉(云南財經大學);  
【摘要】 綠色經濟的概念為突破可持續發展機制面臨的這個瓶頸在理念和方法上提供了一個新的機遇和選擇,為可持續發展注入了新的活力。綠色經濟體現了生態文明的理念,追求經濟發展與環境保護的共贏與和諧。綠色經濟的概念在當今經濟全球化背景下尤其珍貴,有利于克服經濟高度商品化帶來的環境問題深化和危機,實現全球經濟的可持續發展;綠色經濟對中國等經濟高速發展國家尤其重要。在中國經歷了舉步維艱的綠色經濟目前正在獲得新的發展契機。  
【Abstract】 The idea of "green economy" brings new energy to "sustainable development" with new possibilities to solve the bottleneck which exists in the practice of "sustainable development." The green economy reflects the concept of ecological civilization, pursuing harmony and win-win of the economic growth and environmental protection. The idea of "green economy" is precious in the global-economy-background. It is valuable for overcoming the deepening environmental crisis which came from the market economic form, and to achieve the sustainable development of global economy. “Green economy" is especially meaningful to those countries whose economy is in high-speed, such as China. The action of practicing "green economy" in China is not easy, but is also gaining new chances to develop.
【關鍵詞】 綠色經濟; 綠色; GDP; 低碳經濟; 可持續發展;
【Key words】 green economy green GDP low carbon economy sustainable development;
13 、渤海油田漏油事故法律問題分析  曹明德;王琬璐(中國政法大學民商經濟法學院);   
【摘要】 渤海油田漏油事故造成了極為嚴重的環境污染,對海洋生態環境、海洋資源均產生嚴重影響。在此事件中,海洋局并未及時主動公開這一突發性的環境污染事件,應依法承擔相應的行政責任,而事故責任人應承擔相應的民事責任,包括但不限于清理油污、賠償海洋生態損害、漁業資源損害、漁民損失等,海洋局和漁業部門可代表國家對事故責任人提供環境民事公益訴訟。檢察機關亦應追究事故責任人的刑事責任。  
【Abstract】 The oil spill raised from Bahia oil field has caused grievous environmental pollution, brought adverse influence to both marine ecological environment and marine resource. During the first month of the oil leakage, National Oceanic Administration did not disclose the emergency pollution event to the public, and thus should bear administrative liability. Those responsible for the tragedy shall take civil liability,inter alia,cleaning-up,compensation for damages of marine ecological environment, compensation for damages of fishery industry, compensation for the loss of fishermen.National Oceanic Administration as well as Fishery Department could be on behalf of the State, file public interest litigation into court.Procuratorate shall also look into the criminal liabilities of those responsible.
【關鍵詞】 蓬萊; 19-3油田; 損害賠償; 公益訴訟;
【Key words】 19-3; oil; field; of; Penglai; compensation; public; interest; litigation;
14 、法學視野下的人工器官產品研究  何悅;劉云龍(天津大學文法學院);   
【摘要】 隨著生物材料技術、免疫抑制技術、轉基因和克隆工程的發展,人工器官正逐漸通過實驗研究進入臨床應用階段,為解決器官捐獻人不足開辟了新途徑。受法律調整的人工器官應當包括人工材料制成的醫療設備和裝置、利用干細胞技術培育的人工器官和組織、被敲除與人血不相容的動物DNA片段的動物器官和組織。人工器官與生命倫理密切相關,其造成的損害具有特殊性。警示、召回是人工器官缺陷的主要補救措施。人工器官分配除了應當考慮相對成功率、預期壽命和家庭角色,還應當考慮擬植入候選人的過去服務,以便體現公正原則。
【Abstract】 Powered by the latest development of biomaterial technology, immune suppression technique, genetically modified(GM)and cloning projects, study of artificial organs is entering a new phase, from experimental study into clinical practice. It provides a new way to solve the problem of short supply of donated organs. By challenging the current definition of artificial organs, this paper is putting forward a more accurate one in the perspective of law, which includes medical equipment and devices made by artificial materials, artificial organs and tissues grown from stem cells, and animal organs and tissues with no incompatible DNA fragments.Moreover,this paper makes an examination in the legal sense and a jurisprudential analysis of the features of artificial organs, their distribution and the remediation of their deficiency, and proves that artificial organs are closely related to bioethics, so their damage to the patients should be unique and that we should consider not only comparative success rate, life expectancy, family roles but also the previous contributions of the candidates to be implanted in artificial organs distribution, in order to reflect the principles of justice.
【關鍵詞】 人工器官; 人體器官; 生命倫理; 產品責任; 侵權責任; 補救措施;
【Key words】 artificial organs human organs bioethics product liability tort liability remedation;
15 、歐盟私法法典化與我國民法典的制訂  汪淵智(山西大學法學院);   
【摘要】 隨著歐盟一體化進程的加快,客觀上要求歐盟在私法領域制定一部內部協調統一、具有宏觀性、體系性的民法典,經過法學家的理論準備,歐盟官方對學術研究的響應和對私法發展方向的正確選擇,最終促使《共同參考框架(草案)》(DCFR)的完成。歐盟私法法典化進程中,雖然具有濃厚的工具色彩,但融合了不同的法律文化與傳統,體現出了現代私法的最新理念與精神。歐盟私法法典化在法典的制定、法典的精神以及法典的結構、內容、統一性方面,無疑對我國民法典的制定具有很大的借鑒意義。  
【Abstract】 With the acceleration of the process of European integration, it is an objective need to erode a civil code which is harmonious and unified internally, macroscopic and systematical in private law area. Through jurists’ theories preparation, the European union official issues "Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference(DCFR)"eventually, which responds to academic research and is a correct choice of private law’s development. The codification of European private law mixes different legal culture and tradition, and reflects on the modern private law’s the latest idea and spirit, though it has a strong implemental colouring.Undoubtedly,the codification of European private law has great reference significance on formulation of China’s civil code in the code of enactment,spirit,structure,content and unification.
【關鍵詞】 歐盟一體化; 私法法典化; 民法典;
【Key words】 integration of the European Union codification of private law civil code;
16 、論旅游合同懲罰性違約金的設定  孟凡哲(北京第二外國語學院法政學院);  
【摘要】 當下立法在旅游者權利救濟上存在不足。懲罰性違約金擔保債務履行、降低交易成本、維護市場秩序的功能決定了旅游合同懲罰性違約金設定的必要性。懲罰性違約金的設定應限于特定情形,以旅游經營者主觀上的故意和重大過失為必要條件,并與損害賠償相脫離。在適用上應體現形式的純粹性、內容的確定性、變更的限定性和與其他規則的協調性。 更多還原
【Abstract】 There are some defects of tourists’ right remedy in current legislation. It is necessary to perform punitive liquidated damages due to its function of guarantee debt performance, reducing transaction cost, maintaining the market order. The punitive liquidated damages should be limited to specific situations and satisfied to necessary conditions that tour operator has subjective intention and gross negligence, as well as it should separate from damages indemnification. When application, it should embody the form of purity, the content of certainty, the change of limitation, and the coordination with other rules.
【關鍵詞】 旅游合同; 違約金; 懲罰;
【Key words】 tourism contract liquidated damages penalty;
17 、機動車交通事故責任強制保險疑難問題研究  孫玉榮(北京工業大學);
【摘要】 我國的機動車交通事故責任強制保險制度自建立以來一直飽受社會各界爭議。在2010年和2011年的全國人大會上,全國人大代表先后對提高交強險責任限額、取消賠償限額等問題提出司法改革建議。本文對有關受害第三人問題、保險公司的責任限額及訴訟地位和責任免除等機動車交通事故責任強制保險若干疑難問題作了探討。 
【Abstract】 With the implement of the automobile third party liability compulsory insurance system, there are always some legislative suggestions about the defects and improvement of the system. This paper puts importance on the system of the third liability compulsive insurance, such as third party as victim and the compensation range of the insurance corporation.
【關鍵詞】 強制險; 保險公司; 賠償范圍;
【Key words】 compulsory liability insurance insurance corporations compensation range;
18 、勞動抗辯權初論  吳萬群(阜陽師范學院);  
【摘要】 勞動抗辯權是指勞動者享有的在勞動關系運行過程中拒絕用人單位的勞動請求或勞動指示的權利,在性質上屬自力救濟權。我國對勞動指示權抗辯的直接法律規定主要在勞動保護法中,不過在勞動立法中卻沒有針對勞動請求權抗辯的規定,《合同法》可以提供此種法律依據。實踐中,勞動抗辯權行使會遇到一些障礙,應有針對性地予以克服。勞動抗辯權是保護勞動者生命健康權的最佳方式,具有效率高且成本低的優勢,其行使效果表現為暫停提供勞動,但一旦抗辯事由消失則勞動關系又恢復到正常狀態。 
【Abstract】 The laborer’s counterargument right is the right that the laborer can refute the employer’s labor performance claims or instructions during carrying a labor contract under lawful conditions and it’s a kind of right of self-remedy. In our country, the stipulation to right of defense against labor instructions mainly is directly provided for in the labor protection law. Although there is no direct stipulation to the right of defense against labor claims at our present labor law, the Law of Contract can supply legal basis for it.Put theory into practice, exercise of the right always encounter some obstacles, we should put forward some countermeasures. Comparatively speaking, exercising the right is the best way to protect the laborer’s life and health, with the advantages of high efficiency, low cost. Exercise means to discharge the obligation of continuous supplying labor until the ground of pleading doesn’t exist while bearing no legal liability.
【關鍵詞】 勞動者; 勞動抗辯權; 勞動請求; 勞動指示;
【Key words】 the labourer the labourer’s counterargument right the labour claims the labour instructions;
19 、我國慈善事業發展的法治困境及路徑選擇  楊思斌(中國勞動關系學院);  
【摘要】 我國慈善事業的快速發展凸顯了對法治規范的迫切需求。以法治理念觀之,我國慈善領域存在立法層次低、專門性法律缺乏、現行制度對慈善事業限制過多以及政府與社會的權界尚未理清等問題,造成慈善事業公信力普遍弱化、法律激勵慈善捐贈的功能沒有充分實現等困境。在法治理念的指引下進行慈善法律制度的重構是走出慈善事業發展困境的路徑選擇。  
【Abstract】 The rapid development of China’s charity highlights the urgent need for the rule of law. From the view of the rule of law, there are many problems of the philanthropy in China, such as low legislative level, lack of specialized legal system, too much restrictions on philanthropy and the unclear boundary on powers and responsibilities between government and community, which causes many scrapes such as generally weakening public credibility and not fully realized function of legal incentives to charitable donations. Reconstruct the legal system under the guidance of the idea of the rule of law in charity is the path choice out of dilemma of charity development.
【關鍵詞】 慈善事業; 法治; 慈善立法;
【Key words】 philanthropy the rule of law charity legislation;
20 、從傳統走向現代:社會保障權司法救濟的檢省與矯正  鄭瑩(遼寧大學);   
【摘要】 社會保障權是社會保障法的核心,是現代社會的一項基本人權,其本質是社會權。有權利就應當有救濟,其中司法救濟又是權利救濟途徑中最權威、最行之有效的方式,是保障公民社會保障權利恒久不易的追求。由于社會保障權的特殊性質,傳統的民事和行政救濟體系已不能適應社會保障爭議的需要,打破傳統的普通訴訟程序,借鑒國外成熟經驗,完善和創設符合社會保障權特征的現代的特殊司法救濟機制已成為必然之選。  
【Abstract】 Right to social security is the core of the Social Security Act and one kind of the basic human rights of modern society, and its essence is social right. Where there is a right,there should be a relief to the right. Judicial relief is the most authoritative and effective way among all kinds of reliefs. Judicial relief is the enduring pursuit to guarantee citizens’ right to social security.However,due to the special nature of the right to social security, traditional civil and administrative relief systems have been unable to meet the social security disputes.Therefore,to break the traditional ordinary proceedings, learn from foreign mature experiences and improve and create the special judicial relief mechanism that conforms to the modern features of right to social security has become an inevitable choice.
【關鍵詞】 社會保障權; 社會保障爭議; 司法救濟;
【Key words】 right to social security social security dispute judicial relief;
21 、勞動權的平等保護及禁止就業歧視的法律思考  龐鐵力(吉林大學法學院); 
【摘要】 目前我國社會就業歧視現象愈演愈烈,勞動權作為公民的基本權利之一,其內在包含的就業平等權要求禁止就業歧視,因此禁止就業歧視是勞動權的題中之義。本文將以勞動權的平等保護為出發點,界定就業歧視的概念和主要表現形式,論述禁止就業歧視的必要性。我國禁止就業歧視的相關立法存在不足,應從立法、執法、司法三方面完善禁止就業歧視、維護勞動者的就業平等權的法律保障。  
【Abstract】 The phenomenon of employment discrimination is more and more prevalent in our current society. Labor rights, as one of the citizens’ fundamental rights, include equal employment right which requires the prohibition on employment discrimination.Thus,it is logical that labor rights mean the prohibition of employment discrimination. This article is going to talk about the definition and main forms of employment discrimination based on the equal protection of labor rights. Then the article will summarize relevant Chinese legislation on prohibition of employment discrimination and analyze its weakness. Finally the author will give some advices on the legislation to improve prohibition of employment discrimination and the protection of laborers’ equal employment right.
【關鍵詞】 就業歧視; 勞動權; 就業平等權;
【Key words】 employment discrimination labor rights equal employment right;
22 、儒學與古希臘思想相通性的法哲學闡釋——兼及中華法系復興的理論前提  武建敏(河北經貿大學法學院);  
【摘要】 春秋戰國和古希臘都屬于人類文明發展史上的軸心時代,均為思想的源頭,它們對各自的文化思想傳統產生了深遠的影響。盡管先秦儒學和古希臘三位哲人的思想存在諸多的差異,但他們思想的相通性也是非常明顯的。他們在實踐理性、辯證思維以及對實踐智慧的追求和關懷等方面具有深刻的相通性,這些契合性構成了對儒學與古希臘思想相通性進行法哲學闡釋的理論落足點。這些因素也是中華法系復興的重要理論前提。  
【Abstract】 The period of Chun Chiu & Chan Kuo and ancient Greece were both the axial age in the development history of human civilization,which deeply affected the traditions of culture and thought. Although there were some differences between Confucianism and the thought of the ancient Greece whose main thinkers were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, we must recognize the similarities and common characteristics between them, which showed concretely as followed: practical reason, dialectic thinking and phronesis.These features can be considered as the base of comparative studies between Confucianism and ancient Greece from the view of legal philosophy, in the meantime which are also the theoretical premise.
【關鍵詞】 儒學; 古希臘; 中華法系;
【Key words】 Confucianism ancient Greece phronesis;
23 、我國民事再審事由的立法完善  陳春梅(華中科技大學社會學系);胡夏冰(最高人民法院);  
【摘要】 民事再審事由雖然在2007年《民事訴訟法》中得到了修補,但仍需要進一步規范和完善。完善我國民事再審事由的基本思路是,嚴格控制民事再審事由的范圍,將民事再審事由限制在生效裁判的基礎出現嚴重瑕疵和訴訟程序存在重大違法等方面;增加民事再審事由形式要件的規定,使民事再審事由成為可以在外觀上能夠輕易識別、在實務中具有可操作性的客觀化、具體化情形。  
【Abstract】 The reasons for Chinese civil retrial were amended in the 2007 Civil Procedure Law, but they still need to be further standardized and improved. The basic idea of perfecting the reasons for civil retrial is to strictly control the scope of the reasons for civil retrial, and provide the formal requirements of the reasons for civil retrial. The reasons for civil retrial should be in appearance easily identified, and to be operationalized in practice.
【關鍵詞】 民事再審事由; 立法完善; 基本思路;
【Key words】 the reasons for civil review legislation improvement basic ideal;
24 、以檢察室為載體延伸檢察機關法律監督職能問題的思考  天津市人民檢察機關聯合課題組;張序;白春安;   
【摘要】 檢察機關是國家的法律監督機關,對基層司法執法活動進行監督是其法定職責。然而,當前檢察機關缺少更多的在基層的機構設置,直接影響了檢察機關法律監督職能的更有效發揮。在當前推進三項重點工作的背景下,檢察機關應當以推進檢察室建設為載體延伸法律監督職能,服務基層基礎建設,維護人民群眾權益。法律應當明確檢察室的設置、賦予檢察室獨立的編制以健全基層司法體系,同時檢察機關應明確檢察室的職責地位,加強對檢察室的物質人員保障,對其執法活動進行監督制約,促進其工作規范開展。 
【Abstract】 Prosecution is our country’s legal supervisory bodies, law enforcement activities of the primary judicial supervision of its statutory duties.However,the current lack of prosecution at the grassroots level of the institutional setting, which directly affects the prosecution of legal oversight functions effectively. Promote the three priorities in the current context, the prosecution should be to promote the extension of attorney room building for the expansion of the carrier function of legal supervision,services,grassroots infrastructure and protecting people’s rights. This paper argues that the law should explicitly set the attorney room to give room for independent prosecutors prepared to improve grass-roots judicial system, while the prosecution should be clear responsibilities attorney room status, room to strengthen the prosecution of material personnel protection, monitoring of its enforcement activities constraints, and promote standards to carry out its work.
【關鍵詞】 檢察室; 法律監督; 司法體系;
【Key words】 attorney room legal supervision judicial system;
25 、清代基層法官的綜合素質及啟示——以司法判牘為材料  任海濤(華東師范大學法律系);  
【摘要】 法官素質高低對于國家法治建設關系重大。清代基層司法判牘中反映了當時法官的政治素質、專業素質和職業道德素質水平。他們之所以形成這些素質,主要受到儒家思想、社會閱歷、工作職權三方面的影響。這個研究對于我們今天在司法改革中,如何認識法官綜合素質、區分不同類型法官素質差異,并且對我國未來法官素質提高進行預期,提供了重要啟示。 
【Abstract】 The quality level of the judge is very important to the development of the legal practice of one nation. The sentences of the basic court in Qing Dynasty reflect the political quality, professional quality and occupation moral quality level of judges. They got these qualities, mainly by Confucianism, social experience and the scope of work. The research will provide important inspiration for realizing the comprehensive quality, distinguishing the differences between different types of judges’ quality, improving the quality of judges in judicial reform.
【關鍵詞】 清代; 基層法官; 綜合素質; 司法改革;
【Key words】 Qing Dynasty judges in basic court comprehensive quality judicial reform;
26 、論夫妻約定財產制度的適用困境——由夫妻二人公司出資協議性質爭議引發的思考  林承鐸(中國人民大學);   
【摘要】 夫妻二人出資所創辦的公司,其股東出資協議的性質存在一定的爭議,如何界定并厘清夫妻二人公司,討論夫妻財產制契約的性質和夫妻二人公司的股東出資協議的性質則顯得十分必要,揭示我國夫妻財產制的立法不足,探究解決辦法也相當重要。夫妻財產制契約是身份契約,夫妻二人公司的股權出資協議不是夫妻財產制契約。要完善婚姻法律制度必須改變"一事一議"的立法模式。  
【Abstract】 This article was written to define couple’s company, to discuss the nature of marital property system and shareholders’ investment agreement, to reveal the inadequate legislation and applicable difficulties of the matrimonial property system of China and to explore their solutions. Matrimonial property contract is status contract. The couple’s equity investment agreement is not matrimonial property contract. To improve the legal system must change the legislative model.
【關鍵詞】 夫妻約定財產制; 夫妻財產制契約; 夫妻二人公司; 股東出資協議; 財產分割協議;
【Key words】 conjugal property system marital property contract couple’s company shareholders’ investment agreement property division agreement;
27 、美國產品責任中的純粹經濟損失規則探析——兼論我國相關法律制度的構建  郭潔(對外經貿大學);
【摘要】 在美國的侵權法上,因產品自身存在的缺陷而發生的產品本身價值的減損、修理更換發生的費用,以及因產品不能使用而發生的利潤損失等被視為是一種純粹經濟損失。針對該類損失,美國的法院創造了責任排除規則,并且各州在對這一規則在運用時采用的是一種靈活且有彈性的實踐方式。這樣靈活的純粹經濟損失規則對于我國相關法律制度的構建非常有借鑒意義。 
【Abstract】 In American tort law, loss incurred by product injuries itself be taken as a pure economic loss, include the diminution in the value of the product, repair replacement costs, and the profit loss because the product does not work for the general purposes. For such economic loss, American courts developed the liability exclusionary rule. And this rule is used in a flexible way by States courts. Such a flexible economic loss rule is worth learning for the construction of the relevant legal system in China.
【關鍵詞】 產品責任; 純粹經濟損失; 排除規則;
【Key words】 products liability pure economic loss exclusionary rule;
28 、完善我國商業健康保險法制的若干思考  何佳馨(中國社會科學院法學研究所);  
【摘要】 本文分三個方面,就我國剛剛確立起來的三大社會基本醫療保險(城鎮職工基本醫療保險、城鎮居民基本醫療保險和新型農村合作醫療保險)之外的商業健康保險作了一個比較系統的闡述,對商業健康保險法制的形成、發展中遇到的問題、完善商業健康保險法制的一些措施做了分析,對我國保險法理論和實務的發展闡述了自己的思考。  
【Abstract】 This paper is divided into three aspects and it makes a more systematic exposition on the commercial health insurance besides our country’s three basic social medical insurance(urban workers, urban residents and new rural cooperative medical system).This paper analyses the formation and the problems of the development of the commercial health insurance system in recent years. It also analyses how to develop and improve the commercial health insurance system.Finally,it elaborated its thought on the theories and practice of Chinese insurance law.
【關鍵詞】 商業健康保險; 現狀; 問題; 立法完善;
【Key words】 commercial health insurance current situation problems legislative improvement;
29 、論知識產權法中動漫角色之界定與保護  劉晶明(上海聯創投資管理公司); 
【摘要】 二十一世紀是東西方文化不斷交流、融合的時代。由于我國動漫產業落后,使得我國在面對西方強勢文化的侵襲時有些無能為力。我們需要通過對動漫角色的法律保護研究,建立符合我國國情需要的動漫角色法律保護體系,為中國的動漫產業保駕護航,此舉對大力發展"創意文化"產業亦具有非常重要的現實意義。本文借鑒國內外有關學說和判例,參考國內已有研究成果,介紹了商品化權領域中的"角色"、動漫角色與虛構角色的聯系,即動漫角色是虛構角色三種類型中的一種以及美國對虛構角色的界定理論,深入討論動漫角色的配音是否屬于動漫角色、動漫角色與真實人物的界限、兩個動漫角色界定的問題,并對美國、日本在動漫角色保護方面進行比較和分析。  
【Abstract】 The comic & cartoon in China have always been deemed as a dreadful works to be avoided at all costs for many years.But,the 21st century is the era where there is constantly cultural exchange and mix between the east and the west. Because of the backward in comic & cartoon industry, we can do nothing to the invasion of western culture.So,Chinese government proposed making great efforts in "creative industry”. Through the research on protection for merchandising right in comic & cartoon characters, we can establish the legal protection system for the comic & cartoon characters, which will protect the whole comic & cartoon industry and is significant to the national strategy, developing "creative industry”. In this paper, according to the current achievements available in the research, I use a lot domestic and abroad legal precedents and theories to introduce the definition in USA and Japan,to summarize the merchandising right in comic & cartoon characters and emphatically discuss the conception and the classification of characters. And I also do some comparative study and analysis of legal protection for comic and cartoon characters in USA and Japan.
【關鍵詞】 動漫角色; 法律保護; 商品化權;
【Key words】 comic & cartoon character legal protection merchandising right;
30 、論我國公共財政救助問題銀行的標準  趙佳星(對外經貿大學法學院);  
【摘要】 當問題銀行陷入流動性或支付性危機時,為避免銀行倒閉引發的多米諾骨牌效應,維護金融體系穩定,對問題銀行實施公共財政救助已成為各國政府和金融監管機構的主要救助措施。我國相關法律制度不完善,公共財政救助的標準不明確,隨意性較強,不僅大大加重了政府負擔,也極易引發道德風險和通脹危機,因此亟需厘清公共財政救助問題銀行的職能邊界。救助標準應遵循系統性風險原則、最終救濟手段原則、成本最小化原則、推定模糊原則。 
【Abstract】 When the problem banks fall into financial crisis or liquidity crisis, in order to avoiding domino effect and maintaining the stabilization of financial system, implementation of public finance bailout is becoming the important choice of many financial regulators around the world. China has spent trillions of public finance funds to rescue problem banks.However,due to the lack of relevant legislations in this field, there is lack of clear criterion of public finance bailout. This greatly not only increases the government burden, but also causes moral hazard and the risk of inflation happened easily. So it’s necessary to define the boundary of public finance bailout to problem banks as soon as possible.
【關鍵詞】 問題銀行; 公共財政; 政府救助;
【Key words】 Problem Banks Public Finance Government bailout;
31 、我國大運河“申遺”的國際法思考  朱媛(南京大學法學院);  
【摘要】 在國際法視野中,不僅存在國家主義與世界主義的博弈,而且不斷發展變化的國際法理念也影響著世界遺產價值判斷標準的演進,對正確理解"申遺"的行為性質、"申遺"的類型、"申遺"應遵循的國際法原則極具意義,有利于我國大運河"申遺"工作的進展。  
【Abstract】 In the vision of international law, there is the game between nationalism and cosmopolitanism.Moreover,the evolving concept of the international law not only affects the evolution of criteria for judging the value of the World Heritage, but also is of great significance for understanding of the nature of the behavior,types,principles of international law of "Application for World Cultural Heritage" correctly, and has an important role in guiding application for world cultural heritage of the Grand Canal of China to success.
【關鍵詞】 世界遺產; 國際法理念; 國家主義; 世界主義;
【Key words】 world heritage concept of international law nationalism cosmopolitanism;

日期:2012-7-24 14:54:23 | 關閉 |  分享到:


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