http://www.zenchang.cn 2012-7-24 14:55:11 來源:中國法學會網
1 、劉金國教授
【摘要】 <正>劉金國,河北冀州人,1940年10月生于內蒙古通遼市,中國政法大學教授、博士生導師,北京市法學會法理學研究會會長。1991年-2002年任中國政法大學學位委員會委員、法理學教研室主任、導師組組長;1997年-2002年任教育部全國高等法學
【關鍵詞】 法理學研究; 金國; 北京市; 博士生導師; 內蒙古通遼市; 法學會; 大學教授; 高等法學教育; 學位委員會; 教研室主任;
2 、中國古代的“權力”理念——兼論中國古代社會的政體與法律 馬小紅(中國人民大學法學院)
【摘要】 中國傳統社會的制度、價值觀與西方確實有著諸多的不同。中國傳統法律文化將"權力"視為治國工具,而西方先人一開始就對權力充滿戒心。本文分析了孟德斯鳩、魁奈等西方啟蒙思想家和梁啟超等對古代中國政體的認識,并引申出一個問題,即如何定義中國古代社會的性質。中西不同的權力理念源于對人性認識的差異。先秦儒家認為"人性善",對賢人始終寄予希望;先秦法家則認為"人性惡",主張利用"人性",加強君主的權力。西方先哲亞里士多德則堅持以法治限制人性,制約權力。中國古代社會的政權是一個畏懼、榮譽、品德兼而有之的"混合政體",中國的"傳統法"是"禮與法"的共同體。
【Abstract】 Chinese traditional social system and values are different from western countries. In Chinese traditional legal culture, people regard "Power" as an instrument of administering a country. But Westerners are wary of power from the beginning. This article analyzes Montesquieu, Quesney and Liang Ch’ich’ao’s viewpoints towards the system of government of Ancient China, and it also invites a question: how can we define the nature of Chinese ancient society. The different ideas of power between Chinese and Westerners derive from the different cognitions of human nature. The Confucians believe "human nature is kind-hearted", and they place hope on sages. The Legalists believe "human nature is evil" and Monarchs should strengthen their power by taking advantage of it. Aristotle believes that in order to restrict power, human nature should be limited by rule of law. The regime of Chinese ancient society is mixed with fear, honour and morality. Chinese "traditional law" is a community of "propriety and law".
【關鍵詞】 權力; 政體; 法律;
【Key words】 power system of government law;
3 、中國古代刑法禁約制度的歷史考察 萬川(北京市社會科學院);
【摘要】 刑法禁約起源于北魏,造極于兩宋,至明清而發生新變化。刑法禁約制度的調整對象和范圍十分廣泛。禁約條文是帶有皇權干預特點的禁止性和命令性條款,與敕令格式的法律約束力相同;禁約獨立于刑律之外,是與刑律并列的法律形式;禁約具有因時、因地制宜的特點,不具備常法的穩定性;禁約表現出中國古代法制諸法合體的共同特點。在刑律和敕令格式之外大量制頒刑法禁約,是法制建設適應經濟社會快速變化需要的必然結果。
【Abstract】 Originated from Beiwei and completed in Song,the Prohibitive decree changed during the Ming and Qing dynasty.The object and range of the prohibitive decree system was very widely.It’s terms were prohibitive and injunctive which present characteristics of imperial power or authority and it’s legally binding was same as the prohibitive decree paralleled with and was independent of criminals,incording to time and place.It was no stable as ordinary legal provision,but presented a commom trait that various kinds of laws were integrated in ancient times of China.Besides the criminals and the edict,Issue of a lot of prohibitive decrees reflected an inevitable consequence that legal construction must be adapt to requirement of development of economic and society.
【關鍵詞】 古代; 刑法禁約; 發展演變;
【Key words】 ancient prohibitive decree evolution;
4 、《大清違警律》立法源流探析 沈嵐(安徽大學法學院);
【摘要】 租界里豐富的治安法規及良好的實施效果為清末治安模式的轉型提供了鮮活的示范,而日本刑法中的"違警罪"專編則成為了清末治安立法的參考摹本。伴隨著中央最高警政機構民政部的設立,《違警罪章程》倉促登場,卻很快就因粗糙簡陋被《大清違警律》取而代之。后者的面世則是中國近代治安處罰法規正式形成的標志。
【Abstract】 Lots of regulations for public security administration in concessions implemented well. It set a good example for the transition of the public security administration system in Late Qing. The part named Wei-jing Offence in the criminal law of Japan became the direct reference for the legislations of the public security administration system in Late Qing. The establishment of the Legal Issues of Wei-jing Offence came in a rush with the founding of the Ministry of Civil Affairs,but soon was to be replaced by the Wei-jing Law of Qing because it was too simple. The Wei-jing Law of Qing was the first formal law of the public security administration in Late Qing.
【關鍵詞】 清末; 治安法規; 《違警罪章程》; 《大清違警律》;
【Key words】 late Qing Dynasty legislations of the public security administration legal issues of Wei-jing offence Wei-jing law of Qing Dynasty;
5 、論中國傳統家族司法主體的權力——以國家法律對家族長權力的確認為視角 原美林(湘潭大學法學院);
【摘要】 中國傳統家族司法是當今法律文化研究的重點,其司法主體如何在司法過程中實施司法權和國家如何看待這一權力的應用,引發了對傳統家族長權力現代變遷的深刻思考。我們在理解國家法律與基層司法相結合治理社會這一法律文化的基礎上,研究中國傳統家族司法主體的權力,能夠得出現代家族長的權力與民族現代化發展互容互補的結論。
【Abstract】 With the traditional Chinese family judicature as the focal points of today’s legal culture research, how the subject authority implements its judicial power and how it is looked on by the state have aroused deep thinking about the modern transition of family patriarch’s authority. Studying the subject authority of traditional Chinese family judicature based on the understanding of the legal culture that social governance can be maintained by combining the best of the national law and grassroots judicature, we’ve come to the conclusion that modern family patriarch’s authority and the development of national modernization are compatible and complementary.
【關鍵詞】 家族司法; 國家法律; 主體權力; 現代變遷;
【Key words】 family judicature national law subject authority modern transition;
6 、《勞動合同法》的不足與完善——《勞動合同法》在中小企業適用的法經濟學分析 馮玉軍(中國人民大學法學院);方鵬(中國銀河證劵股份有限公司);
【摘要】 在金融危機的背景下,《勞動合同法》在中小企業中遭遇多種類型的實施困境,導致企業在實際經營中多方采取逃避《勞動合同法》的做法。本文僅就企業、工人雙方基于《勞動合同法》框架下的非合作博弈關系,從博弈論以及勞動力供求關系雙重角度論證了《勞動合同法》實施困難的必然性以及原因。建議在中小企業中構建新型勞動關系,在企業與工人博弈的過程中,地方政府亦應當采取切實的措施提升《勞動合同法》對勞動關系的影響力以及對工人的保護力度,進而為實現經濟增長方式的轉變提供內在動力和助力。
【Abstract】 Under the background of financial crisis, the labor contract law encounters various types of difficulties from SMEs, and enterprises take many ways to avoid the labor contract law in practice. The paper analyzes the reason why the labor contract law carries out so hardly from the perspective of the game theory and labor supply-demand theory between enterprises and laborers, suggests that new relationship between enterprises and laborers should be formed in SMEs, that the government should take effective measures to improve the labor law’s influence on labor relationship and protection for laborers, by which the government can help to realize the change of economic growth.
【關鍵詞】 勞動合同法; 中小企業; 非合作博弈; 解困之道;
【Key words】 labor contract law small and medium enterprises non-cooperative game solution;
7 、國家資助項目職務發明權利配置的法經濟探析 胡朝陽(東南大學法學院);
【摘要】 國家資助項目中職務發明權利配置面臨諸多法律法規與行政規章的規范競合,其規范適用效果須以其能否有效促進其職務發明權利流轉為判定基準,其效率價值實現有賴增進其職務發明權利流轉、減小其交易成本、確保利益受損者獲得有效補償,完善其有關制度安排須明晰其職務發明權屬的法定范圍,完備其職務發明人的優先申請、優先受讓與優先實施專利等法定權利,強化其職務發明人的法定義務。
【Abstract】 There are some problems on normative conflict among laws, regulations and administrative rules with regard to the right configuration about service invention in the government-funded project. The benchmark for judging its effect of application of norms is if norms effectively promote the right of service invention to transfer. The realization of its efficiency value depends on enhancing its service invention circulation and reducing its transaction cost and ensuring its loser’s acquisition of effective compensation. And the improvement of its institutional arrangement depends on defining the statutory range of ownership of service invention, perfecting the service inventor’s statutory rights such as priority application, priority transferee and priority implementation of its patent, etc, and strengthening the service inventor’s statutory obligation.
【關鍵詞】 職務發明; 權利配置; 效率; 國家資助項目;
【Key words】 service invention right configuration efficiency the government-funded project;
8 、權力腐敗的法理透析 劉金國(中國政法大學);
【摘要】 堅決懲治權力腐敗和有效預防權力腐敗,關系人心向背和黨的生死存亡,這一重大課題始終是我們黨和國家面臨的重大政治任務。權力腐敗是權力的權利化和權力的非責任化,因為權力時刻存在著走向腐敗的可能性,權力具有私欲性,權力具有可交換性,權力具有不平等性。權力腐敗的本質是剝削,其法律屬性與民本、民生、和諧社會、核心價值體系完全相悖。要充分認識反腐倡廉建設的戰略意義,充分認識反腐敗斗爭的長期性、復雜性和艱巨性。
【Abstract】 To fight against power corruption stoutly and prevent it efficiently is related to what the people are for and against, it is also critical to the CCP. The research about it is also one of the most important political task to the CCP and our country. Power corruption means abuse of power. Power might lead to corruption at any time. Power has the characteristic of exclusion, interchangeability and unequality. The substance of power corruption is exploitation and the nature of it in law is totally contrary to democracy, harmony and other core values. We should fully realize the strategical significance of combating corruption and upholding integrity, fully understand that the fight of anti-corruption is a long, difficult and complicated task.
【關鍵詞】 權力腐敗; 剝削; 法理透析;
【Key words】 power corruption exploitation legal perspective;
9 、亞洲建立區域人權機制的路徑與選擇 楊成銘(北京理工大學法學院);
【摘要】 亞洲區域人權機制建設是當代國際人權法中最受關注的主題之一。亞洲建立區域人權機制是施行《世界人權宣言》和維護本區域人權的有效途徑,亞洲現有人權機制具有局限性,應在亞洲未來人權機制建設模式選擇的基礎上,結合歐洲、非洲和美洲區域人權機制的經驗和缺陷,創建和完善亞洲區域人權機制的路徑和方法。
【Abstract】 Establishing regional human rights mechanism in Asia is one of the hot spots in international law of human rights. This paper will discuss the functions of Asian regional human rights mechanism in enforcing Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the maintenance of Asian human rights, and on the basis of discussion on the restriction of the current Asian human rights mechanisms and model of future regional human rights mechanism in Asia as well as the experiences and morals of other regional human rights mechanisms in Europe, America and Africa, the approaches and means of founding and perfecting regional human rights mechanism in Asia will be mainly dissertated.
【關鍵詞】 亞洲; 人權機制; 路徑; 選擇;
【Key words】 Asia human rights mechanism approach choice;
10 、我國自然資源生態損害私法救濟的不足及對策 張梓太(復旦大學);王嵐(武漢大學環境法研究所);
【摘要】 自然資源兼具經濟價值和生態價值,自然資源生態損害的私法救濟在其他各國法中獲得了廣泛的支持。而我國法律未明確界定自然資源生態損害及其賠償范圍、賠償權利主體等,不利于自然資源的保護。我國私法應明確自然資源生態損害的賠償范圍、賠償權利主體,完善侵權損害賠償救濟制度,建立社會化的生態損害賠償機制,重視預防性責任在防范自然資源生態損害中的作用。
【Abstract】 Natural resource contains both economic and ecological values. And private legal relief for the damages of natural resources is practiced in a lot of countries. In China, there are no specific provisions regarding the scope of the remedy for the damages to natural resources, nor of the subjects who are entitled to claim for the remedies. This is not good for the protection of the natural resources. The private laws in China should have specific provisions regarding the scope of the remedy and the subjects that are entitled to the remedy. We should also perfect the legal remedy institution for tort-related damages, establish socialized remedy institution for ecological damages, and focus on the role of preventive liability in the area of preventing ecological damages to natural resources.
【關鍵詞】 自然資源; 生態損害; 私法救濟;
【Key words】 natural resources ecological damages private legal remedy;
11 、論食品安全監督過失責任 劉期湘(湖南商學院法學院);張斌(山東省濟寧市任城區人民檢察院);
【摘要】 監督過失是指處于放置危險狀態的上位監督者以及管理者地位的人違反監督、管理義務,對其應當避免的危害結果發生的過失心理狀態。危懼感說是食品生產經營管理者負監督過失責任的理論依據。根據危懼感說,食品生產經營者處于保證人的地位,監督管理者不適用信賴原則。在確定食品生產經營者的注意義務時,一定要將其在立場上與消費者相對立的同生產、銷售等市場運作過程相聯系的特殊性作為最基本的出發點。
【Abstract】 Supervisory negligence is the psychological condition of the persons, who are in the leading positions or in the position of coordinating in business areas, causing harmful consequences because of his or her negligence or overconfidence which he should have avoided. The fear of doctrine is the theoretical basis of food production managers who are responsible for supervisory negligence liability. According to the fear that, food production operators are in the guarantor’s position and supervisory managers do not apply to the principle of trust. When we determine the attentive obligation of food production operators, we must take the specific characteristics of the links to marketing operation as the fundamental starting point, which is opposite to consumers in the position of production and sale.
【關鍵詞】 食品安全; 監督過失; 危懼感說; 注意義務;
【Key words】 food safety supervisory negligence fear of doctrine obligation of care;
12 、我國外匯保證金交易法律制度構建初探 徐磊(上海建橋學院);
【摘要】 監督過失是指處于放置危險狀態的上位監督者以及管理者地位的人違反監督、管理義務,對其應當避免的危害結果發生的過失心理狀態。危懼感說是食品生產經營管理者負監督過失責任的理論依據。根據危懼感說,食品生產經營者處于保證人的地位,監督管理者不適用信賴原則。在確定食品生產經營者的注意義務時,一定要將其在立場上與消費者相對立的同生產、銷售等市場運作過程相聯系的特殊性作為最基本的出發點。
【Abstract】 Supervisory negligence is the psychological condition of the persons, who are in the leading positions or in the position of coordinating in business areas, causing harmful consequences because of his or her negligence or overconfidence which he should have avoided. The fear of doctrine is the theoretical basis of food production managers who are responsible for supervisory negligence liability. According to the fear that, food production operators are in the guarantor’s position and supervisory managers do not apply to the principle of trust. When we determine the attentive obligation of food production operators, we must take the specific characteristics of the links to marketing operation as the fundamental starting point, which is opposite to consumers in the position of production and sale.
【關鍵詞】 食品安全; 監督過失; 危懼感說; 注意義務;
【Key words】 food safety supervisory negligence fear of doctrine obligation of care;
13 、論著作權默示許可使用的立法實踐 張今;陳倩婷(中國政法大學民商法學院);
【摘要】 隨著互聯網技術的快速發展,現實生活中出現了大量的著作權默示許可行為,在著作權立法方面,也出現了對著作權默示許可的一些嘗試。不過,無論是以美國為代表的判例法國家在互聯網新技術與數字圖書館方面的裹足不前還是我國在《信息網絡傳播權保護條例》中的淺嘗輒止,都不能滿足現實中大量著作權默示許可行為的制度需求。著作權默示許可使用可以在不改變現有的著作權法結構的前提下,有效地調和互聯網的共享性與著作權的私權性之間的矛盾,因此構建著作權默示許可制度不僅在當下十分必要,而且也將是著作權法發展的大勢所趨。
【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet technology, numerous conducts of copyright implied license have appeared in reality, as well as the attempt in legislation. However, neither the standstill in terms of digital libraries in the U.S. judge-made law, nor the tiny alteration could meet the need of the institution of copyright implied license in the real life. Actually, the copyright implied license can effectively solve the contradiction between the sharing of Internet and the privilege of copyright, without altering the structure of the existing copyright law. Therefore, it is not only necessary at present but also a tendency of development of copyright law to contribute a general institution of copyright implied license.
【關鍵詞】 著作權; 默示許可;
【Key words】 copyright implied license;
14 、地方政府實施商標戰略的省思 儲敏(南京財經大學法學院);
【摘要】 近年來,國內掀起了一股實施商標戰略的熱潮,多個地方政府制定并頒布了實施商標戰略的規范性文件。然而,地方政府實施商標戰略的目標以及地方政府實施的"重金獎勵馳名商標"、"政府優先采購馳名商標及著名商標稱號獲得者的產品"、"鼓勵商號與商標的一體化"等商標戰略措施都值得省思。
【Abstract】 In recent years, the tide of implementing trademark strategy has been heated up in our country; many local governments established and promulgated their normative documents on the implementation of trademark strategy. However, the target and some measures in those normative documents deserve to be reflected, such as "heavily rewarding trademarks"; "prioritizing to purchase the products of well-known trademark and famous trademark in government procurement"; "encouraging the integration of trade names and trademarks", etc
【關鍵詞】 地方政府; 商標戰略; 馳名商標;
【Key words】 local governments trademark strategy well-known trademark;
15 、企業維持原則在解散公司之訴中的體現——以《新公司法司法解釋二》為視角 王瑞(北方工業大學);叢奔(山東省齊魯律師事務所);
【摘要】 通過對《新公司法司法解釋二》中股東請求解散公司訴訟具體規定的分析,揭示企業維持原則在股東請求解散公司之訴的立法和法律適用中的體現,繼而在對企業維持原則更深層次理解之基礎上分析這種指導思想得以貫徹的原因。可以說,企業維持原則已成為股東和利益之間維持利益平衡的一個支點。
【Abstract】 By way of analyses the regulations of Judicial Dissolution of Corporation by Shareholders in Judicial Interpretation 2 of the New Company Law of PRC, digs up the legislative and juridical embodiments of Principle of Enterprises Maintaining in Judicial Dissolution of Corporation by Shareholders. Then, based on the deeper understanding, we analyses the reason that the Principle of Enterprises Maintaining can be carried out. It absolutely shows that, the Principle of Enterprises Maintaining has already become an interest fulcrum between shareholders and the corporate.
【關鍵詞】 企業維持原則; 解散公司之訴;
【Key words】 principle of enterprises maintaining judicial dissolution of corporation;
16 、再論訴訟擔當——以擔當人和被擔當人在實體法和程序法上的關系為視角 張曉茹(北京航空航天大學法學院);
【摘要】 對訴訟擔當概念的理解不一致造成了我國學者對訴訟擔當范圍和類型的分歧。對訴訟擔當的學理分類分歧主要存在于任意訴訟擔當之中,因而建議采"與實體權一起進行訴訟追行委托的訴訟擔當"與"僅僅就訴訟追行進行委托的訴訟擔當"的分類,以達到訴訟擔當內涵與外延的一致。從法定擔當和任意擔當的角度探索訴訟擔當的具體形態,分析訴訟擔當人與被擔當人實體法和程序法上的關系,只要符合訴訟擔當的概念、制度的設置目的并具有訴訟擔當的功能都應當屬于訴訟擔當。
【Abstract】 Litigation undertaking system in civil action plays an important role in solving the segregation of civil subject and litigation subject. With the different comprehension in the concept of litigation undertaking, our country’s scholars have different views on the range of application. The main divergence on the theoretic classification of litigation taking is on the discretional undertaking. And the classification of "the litigation undertaking with both substantive right and litigious right" and "the litigation undertaking with only litigious right" can help to reach the integration of intension and extension of the concept. This paper illustrates the application of the litigation undertaking through legal undertaking and discretional undertaking. By analyzing the relationship between litigation undertaker and undertaken-person in substantive law and procedural law, the paper comes to the conclusion that the action which can match the concept and the aim of undertaking system and has the function of undertaking can be regard as litigation undertaking.
【關鍵詞】 訴訟擔當; 概念; 學理分類; 具體形態;
【Key words】 litigation undertaking system concept theoretic classification application;
17 、我國臺灣地區死刑控制及其對大陸死刑改革的啟示 王秀梅;曾賽剛(北京師范大學);
【摘要】 本文從立法和司法兩個方面分析了我國臺灣地區死刑立法模式、死刑適用條件、死刑適用范圍、死刑規定方式的控制以及死刑案件程序、死刑赦免、死刑執行的控制,還分析了我國臺灣地區死刑立法控制和司法控制的理念。通過這兩個方面的分析發現,臺灣地區死刑控制與我國大陸死刑的改革方向不謀而合,即對已滿75周歲的老年人犯罪絕對不適用死刑。此外,臺灣地區死刑控制對我國大陸死刑改革也有一定的啟示,即將死刑適用的具體條件限定為危害生命或健康的嚴重犯罪;廢除絕對死刑;提高無期徒刑的假釋門檻、新增重罪累犯不得假釋的規定、延長死刑追訴權期限;增設死刑案件強制上訴制度,等等。
【Abstract】 This paper analyzes the death penalty control in China Taiwan from perspectives of death penalty legislation, condition of applying for death penalty, procedural control on death penalty, amnesty and execution. With these analysis, the paper reaches the following enlightenment: there is no more death penalty on person who is over 75 years old; death penalty imposed on crimes that seriously endanger life and health of human beings; death penalty should not be the absolute sentence; increasing the criteria of parole on life imprisonment; adding the provision of without parole on serious crime and recidivism; lasting the period of prosecution on death penalty case; and set up the system of enforcing appeal for death penalty case.
【關鍵詞】 死刑立法; 死刑司法; 死刑控制; 啟示;
【Key words】 legislation on death penalty judicial practice death penalty control;
18 、單位犯罪存在范圍的批判性反思 曾友祥(華南理工大學法學院);王聿連(山東省濟寧市嘉祥縣人民檢察院);
【摘要】 市場經濟的進一步發展催生出了更多的單位犯罪,我國1997年《刑法》正式將單位確定為犯罪主體,這對于打擊單位犯罪具有里程碑式的意義。但是,由于立法層面上沒有兼顧單位犯罪與自然人犯罪之間的邏輯平衡,加之刑法理論界相關研究的匱乏,導致在司法層面上對單位犯罪的認定各行其是,以致使得刑事司法難以應對諸多的新型單位犯罪。因此,針對單位犯罪研究與司法操作的混亂局面,深入探究單位犯罪與自然人犯罪的關系,進而全面思索刑事立法對于單位犯罪加以干預范圍的明確化和視角轉換問題,對于完善單位犯罪刑法規制體系具有立法和理論研究的必要性和前瞻性。
【Abstract】 The further development of market economy has given birth to more crimes committed by units, in 1997,China Criminal Law formally identified corporate crime as the subject of a crime, which is a milestone for combating corporate crime. However, legislation does not keep a logical balance between natural crime and corporate crime, coupled with the lack of relevant research, thus, in the judicial level, the identification of crimes committed by units varies, which makes it difficult to deal with lots of criminal justice crimes committed by units. Practice of the corporate crime is in mess, therefore, it is vital for us to do the deep exploration for the relationship between corporate crime and natural crime, and the fully thought for criminal legislation of corporate crimes, which is also important to improve the corporate crime criminal law system and meet the need for theoretical research and forward-looking.
【關鍵詞】 單位犯罪; 自然人犯罪; 比較法; 定罪條款; 量刑條款;
【Key words】 corporate crime natural crime comparative laws conviction articles discretion articles;
19 、《刑事訴訟法修正案(草案)》的功能性分析 葉青;譚志鵬(上海社會科學院);
【摘要】 訴訟功能認識的偏差影響人們對訴訟的運用及訴訟理論、訴訟制度的建構。我國《刑事訴訟法》修改一方面不應削弱懲罰犯罪的功能,另一方面也應進一步強化人權保障的功能。本文試圖在對《中華人民共和國刑訴法修正案(草案)》作功能性分析的基礎上,圍繞我國《刑事訴訟法》修改中的幾個爭議問題,提出以強化與完善相關制度與程序予以解決的方法和建議。
【Abstract】 Understanding of the function of litigation has a great impact on legal practice and the infrastructure of litigation theory and system. In the new amendment of China criminal procedural law, its functional character of penalizing crime should not be weakened. Meanwhile, its functional character of protecting human rights should be further strengthened. Based on the analysis of the functional character of the amendment of China criminal procedural law, this article will discuss several typical controversial topics, and provide practical legal advice on the litigation procedure and system.
【關鍵詞】 刑事訴訟法; 修正案草案; 功能性分析;
【Key words】 criminal procedural law drafted amendment analysis on the functional character;
20 、如實回答與沉默權的功能主義分析與文化解釋 白冬(天津財經大學法學院);
【摘要】 如實回答與沉默權作為一項具體的法律制度屬于"人造之物",具有特定的功能。從功能主義出發,梳理如實回答與沉默權在各自不同訴訟結構中的功能性作用,說明其影響訴訟結構之機理。如實回答與沉默權亦是"文化之物"。通過文化解釋,剖析如實回答與沉默權所蘊含的價值判斷,回答了決定二者廢與立的決定性原因。功能主義分析與文化解釋的相互補充性的闡釋,解決"如何做"的問題。
【Abstract】 Answering truthfully and the right to silence, as a specific legal system, belongs to the "man-made objects" and have a specific function. However, they are the product of culture in stead of any design objects. Functional analysis solves such a problem as what roles answering truthfully and the right to silence play in the lawsuit structure. Culture can explain value judgment that contains in answering truthfully and the right to silence. To "annul" or to "establish" answering truthfully and the right to silence ultimately depends on the cultural value judgment.
【關鍵詞】 如實回答; 沉默權; 功能分析; 文化解釋;
【Key words】 truthful answer the right to silence functionalism cultural interpretation;
21 、論被害人過錯與刑法寬容 龔義年(皖西學院政法學院);
【摘要】 任何形式的"犯罪———被害",無一不是被害人與犯罪人之間二元互動的結果。事實上,被害人通過其致害因素,直接或間接地、有意或無意地參與了與犯罪人之間的互動。可以說,所有的被害人都對自己的被害亦即犯罪的發生負有不同程度的責任。既然如此,那么在對犯罪人定罪量刑時,就應當考慮被害人的過錯因素,對犯罪人給予適當寬容。
【Abstract】 Any form of "crime-victim" is the result of interaction between the victim and the offender. In fact, the victim directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally involved in the perpetrator’s interaction through its virulence factors. All the victims are victims of their crimes which bear varying degrees of responsibility. The criminal law should consider the fault of the victim, and give the offender appropriate tolerance.
【關鍵詞】 被害人過錯; 刑法; 寬容;
【Key words】 victim′s fault criminal law Intolerance;
22 、論司法和諧的困境與前景:從法社會學角度 吳永科(渤海大學經法學院);
【摘要】 本文從司法和諧的基本內容入手,論述了在當代我國經濟、政治、社會全面發展的背景下,實現司法和諧的現實困境,即"特權文化"心理促使人們追求逃避法規的特權,泛行政化的權力結構不利于實現司法公正,社會利益沖突加劇使司法和諧變得困難,社會價值多元化讓司法活動受到更多拷問,從法社會學角度展望了我國"司法和諧"的前景。
【Abstract】 This article based on the content of justice harmony, analyzing the possibility and necessity and discoursing the difficulties of achieving justice harmony in contemporary Chinese economical, political and social development. The main difficulties are as follows: the psychology of "prerogative culture" encourages people to pursue the privilege of avoiding legal; pan-administration is bad for realizing judicatory impartiality; increasing conflicts of social benefit make justice harmony harder; multiple social values perplex judicial activity. This article also gives a outlook of justice harmony from the angle of legal social science.
【關鍵詞】 和諧社會; 司法; 法社會學;
【Key words】 harmonious society judicature social justice Law and Social Science;
23 、淺議能動司法的理論與實踐 劉政(南京理工大學人文社會科學研究院);
【摘要】 能動司法是在借鑒西方司法制度與考察我國國情的基礎上形成的一種司法理念。由于其在提高司法效能、促進司法正義等方面的特殊作用,已經受到我國法學界和實務界的高度重視。本文通過在理論推導、實踐需求、價值取向等方面的研究,對踐行具有中國特色的適度的能動司法進行探析。
【Abstract】 Active judicature is a judicial philosophy in reference to the western judicial system and based on China national conditions. Since it’s effectiveness in improving the judicial efficacy and promoting the judicial justice, active judicature has been highly concerned by China’s legal academics and practitioners. This paper try to make a research on the practice of moderate active judicature with Chinese characteristic by means of theoretical analysis, practical needs research and value orientation research.
【關鍵詞】 能動司法; 實踐需求; 價值取向; 模式選擇;
【Key words】 active judicature practical needs value orientation;
24 、立法過程中專家咨詢制度的多維面相 郝戰紅(北京航天航空大學公共管理學院);
【摘要】 我國正處于全面建設小康社會的關鍵時期,利益多元化與利益失衡現象并存。如何有效地回應社會需求,避免立法疏誤,提高立法品質,增強立法的正當性是立法主體必須面對的問題。專家咨詢制度具有多維面相,從政治民主的角度看是立法民主的表現,從科學決策的角度看是立法科學的保證,從法治的角度看是立法合法的要求,從公共治理的角度看是立法正當的期待。全面認識和把握專家咨詢制度的多維面相,有助于充分發揮其在立法過程中的功能和作用。
【Abstract】 The interests of diversity and the interests of imbalances exist in Chinese critical period of building a moderately prosperous society. The legislature must face the problems of how to respond to the needs of society effectively, to avoid legislation sparse and error, to raise the quality of legislation, and to enhance the legitimacy of legislation. Expert consulting system have multi-dimensional image in the legislative process. Expert consulting system could forward the democratic legislative, ensure the scientific legislative, safeguard the legitimate legislative, and enhance the legitimacy of legislation. Only understand the multi-dimensional image of expert consulting system completely, could expert consulting system play more important role in the legislative process.
【關鍵詞】 立法過程; 專家咨詢; 法治; 正當性;
【Key words】 legislative process expert consulting system rule of law legitimacy;
25 、論應當賦予侵權債權在破產分配中以優先地位 馬東(西南政法大學);
【摘要】 "三鹿"奶粉事件凸顯在企業大規模侵權下在破產程序中賦予侵權債權普通債權人的地位具有不合理性。賦予侵權之債債權以普通債權的地位是對私法概念的曲解,違背了民商法公平正義的價值理念,不符合商法追求社會效益的價值訴求。基于此,應當賦予侵權之債在破產分配中以優先地位。
【Abstract】 Sanlu milk power scandal makes it clear that it is unreasonable to give mass tort claims ordinary status in the bankruptcy proceedings. To give tort claims ordinary status is a misunderstanding of the concept of private law and a violation of justice and social efficiency values of civil and commercial law. To this end, tort claims should be given priority in the order of distribution in bankruptcy.
【關鍵詞】 概念的體系性; 公平性; 效益性;
【Key words】 systematic of concept justice efficiency;
26 、我國股票期權激勵制度的法律問題研究 張佩鈺(貴州師范大學法學院);
【摘要】 股票期權制度作為近年來在西方國家行之有效的一種企業激勵機制,在我國也得到了越來越廣泛的運用。但由于相關法律制度的不完善、甚至空缺,我國大多數公司在這一制度的實施過程中遇到了各種問題。改變我國現有的公司資本制度,為建立"庫存股"提供可操作性,并修改《公司法》與《證券法》中關于新股發行與股份回購的相關規定,是有待解決的首要問題之一;其次,將獨立董事納入激勵對象范圍,為激勵對象提供更多行權資金來源渠道,有助于提高該制度的實施效果;最后,修改《稅法》,給予股票期權制度更多稅收優惠政策,更好地體現稅法在調節該制度激勵尺度和激勵方向上的杠桿作用。
【Abstract】 As a kind of effective incentive mechanism for enterprises in many western countries, stock option system has been utilized more and more in our country. But due to the deficiency or even the vacancy of the law, many corporations of our country encountered a series of problems in their practices. The chief important thing is changing the existing capital system and amending some related rules about issuing new stocks and recovering stocks of Corporation Law and Securities Law. Next, it helps to promote the implement effects that bring independent directors into incentive range and offer more source channels of funds. Finally, offer more preferential tax policies to stock option incentive system by amending Tax Law, and embody the lever function of tax law in adjusting the incentive scale and incentive orientation.
【關鍵詞】 股票期權; 激勵對象; 立法完善;
【Key words】 stock option incentive object improvement of legislation;
27 、論網絡著作權犯罪之“以營利為目的” 王燕玲(華南師范大學法學院);
【摘要】 進入網絡時代,行為人侵犯著作權犯罪的目的趨向多樣化。在網絡空間中,"以營利為目的"的主觀構成要件嚴重束縛了我國《刑法》的打擊范圍,對未經授權作品的非法復制、再現作品的數量和速度決定了必須廢止"以營利為目的"這一主觀要件。在我國現有的《刑法》規定和犯罪構成框架下,不應拘泥于傳統的營利方式,而應當根據網絡營利的特有模式進行具體的認定。
【Abstract】 After entering the internet age, the purposes of the criminal copyright infringement tend to diversify. In cyberspace, the subjective components, "for profit", has severely constrained the effective scope of China criminal law. The great amount and the speed of unauthorized illegal copying of works and reproductive works determines that the subjective element, "for profit", shall be abolished. The traditional way of judging "profit" shall not be followed under the current criminal law and crime constitution. A unique model shall be taken to specifically identify the "for profit" element according to the unique model of internet profit-making.
【關鍵詞】 網絡著作權犯罪; 營利為目的; 廢止;
【Key words】 network copyright crime for profit repeal;
28 、對海上格式條款立法規制的完善 李兆良(武漢大學國際法研究所);
【摘要】 大量存在的海上格式條款在促進海上交易、提高效率的同時,引起交易方權利義務不平衡等許多問題。《海商法》對海上格式條款的規制不夠完善。通過對海上格式條款存在的必然性、立法規制缺陷等的分析,可以明晰完善海上格式條款立法規制的意義,提出完善立法規制的具體建議。
【Abstract】 While promoting marine transactions, improving efficiency, the large number of existing marine standard terms causes many problems such as the imbalance of rights and obligations among the concerned parties. China’s Maritime Code has some regulations on marine standard terms, however, it needs to be perfected. From the analysis of the necessity for the marine standard terms to exist, the current situation and defect of legislative regulations on the marine standard terms, this article expounds the significance to perfect the legislative regulations on the marine standard terms and puts forward some suggestions to perfect them.
【關鍵詞】 海上格式條款; 立法規制; 完善;
【Key words】 marine standard terms legislative regulation perfection;
29 、美國企業并購中涉稅影響的評介 孫曉妍(天津財經大學商學院);
【摘要】 合理的企業并購戰略既重新配置經濟中存量資源,促進經濟發展,還是企業經營邁向成功的契機。隨著我國海內外并購活動的日趨活躍,稅收已經成為影響企業并購形式、交易成本等方面的重要因素,但并未引起國內學者的重視。本文主要依據美國《國內稅收法典》、《1986年稅收改革法案》,簡要綜述國外學者對美國企業并購中涉稅問題的研究成果,闡明稅收因素對美國企業并購的重要影響,為我國企業并購提供借鑒,也為國內并購交易的稅收法規研究提供新的思路。
【Abstract】 Reasonable enterprise M&A strategy can not only rearrange economic stock resources to promote economic development, but also is the opportunity makes enterprise business successful. When China’s domestic and overseas M&A transactions are becoming increasingly active, tax factors have simultaneously become important factors that can affect M&A structures and trade cost and other aspects, which cannot be neglected. However, it still did not cause the attention of our scholars. This paper based on The Internal Revenue Code of U.S.A., reviews briefly foreign studies on tax subject of American enterprise M&A, which can expound the research results of the tax factors are the material influence on American enterprise M&A, provides references for domestic M&A and new ideas for study of domestic M&A on tax regulations
【關鍵詞】 企業并購; 稅收規定; 影響評介;
【Key words】 enterprise M&A; tax regulations; influence review & commentaries;
30 、比較刑事訴訟法的研究進路:從劃分模式到探求共性 印波(北京師范大學刑事法律科學研究所);
【摘要】 目前在世界范圍內刑事訴訟法比較研究的主流進路是劃分刑事訴訟程序模式。達馬斯卡的審問/對抗模式和階層/同位模式是這種進路的代表。唯模式論者往往關注刑事訴訟程序的差異而忽視它們的相似之處。本文參考英格拉姆對于不同法域刑事訴訟程序共性的探討,提出比較刑事訴訟法還應采用探求共性的進路,尋求相互理解的比較。內容提要:目前在世界范圍內刑事訴訟法比較研究的主流進路是劃分刑事訴訟程序模式。達馬斯卡的審問/對抗模式和階層/同位模式是這種進路的代表。唯模式論者往往關注刑事訴訟程序的差異而忽視它們的相似之處。本文參考英格拉姆對于不同法域刑事訴訟程序共性的探討,提出比較刑事訴訟法還應采用探求共性的進路,尋求相互理解的比較。
【Abstract】 At present, the mainstream approach to comparative criminal procedure is to divide criminal procedure models. This approach is represented by inquisitorial/adversarial model-divides and hierarchical/coordinate model-divides created by Damaka. The followers of this approach usually look at the divergences between different criminal procedures rather than the similarities. This thesis will make reference to the commonalities amongst criminal procedures in different jurisdictions studied by Ingraham. I intend to propose that an approach of exploring commonalities should be used for comparative criminal procedure. By means of this approach, a comparison with mutual understanding between different systems can be sought.
【關鍵詞】 比較刑事訴訟法; 研究進路; 劃分模式; 探求共性;
【Key words】 comparative criminal procedure approach dividing models seeking commonalities;
31 、北京市機動車排污權交易機制初探 李姍姍;羅薇(中國人民大學法學院);
【摘要】 與傳統的行政管理和排污收費模式相比,排污權交易模式在治理環境污染中具有突出的優勢。機動車排污交易機制的運行應在綜合性的環境治理模式中發揮自己的特殊作用,最終實現機動車市場與大氣環境保護的協調可持續發展。北京市機動車排污權交易面臨著一些困難,我們應通過出臺政策和試點的方式循序漸進地探索和建立機動車排污權交易機制。
【Abstract】 Compared with the traditional models of the administrative management and the pollution charges, the emission trading institution has the prominent advantages in the treatment of the environmental pollution. The emission trading institution for the motor vehicles will play an important role in the comprehensive environmental improvement models and contribute to the sustainable development of the motor markets and the atmospheric environment protection. First, the author explores the emission trading policies, the legislation and the practice, and then discusses the difficulties faced by the emission trading institution for the motor vehicles in Beijing. At last,the author makes a suggestion that the institution should be founded in a gradual way and the government could introduce the policies and set up pilot projects at the initial stage.
【關鍵詞】 排污權; 排污權交易; 機動車排污權交易;
【Key words】 emission right the emission trading the emission trading for the motor vehicles;
日期:2012-7-24 14:55:11 | 關閉 | 分享到: