[ 孫宏濤 ]——(2013-11-14) / 已閱19472次
[4]Mark C. Rahdert, Reasonable Expectations Revisited, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal, 1998, v. 5,pp.112—113.
[5]《法國民法典》英譯本第1162條原文為In case of doubt, an agreement shall be interpreted against the one who has stipulated, and in fa your of the one who has contracted the obligation.
[9]Jeffrey R. Pawelski, Insurers Don' t Need the Court to "Babysit" Them: an Argument for Reasonable Expectations in American Family Mutual Insurance Co.v.Elliot, South Dakota Law Review, 1996, v. 41,pp. 375—376.
[10]Robert E. Keeton&Alan I. Widiss, Insurance Law, West Publishing Co.,1988, p.12.
[11]前引[2]David S. Miller文,p. 1854.
[12]Bradley D. Liggett, Contra Applicantem or Contra Proferentem Applicatio : the Need Forclanfication of the Doctrine of Contra Proferentem in The Context of Insured-Created Ambiguities in Insurance Applications,Brigham Young University Law Review, 2008, v. 1, pp. 222—223.
[14]前引[2]Jeffrey W. Stempel文。
[15]K. Abraham, Distributing Risk :Insurance , Legal Theory, and Pubic Policy, Yale University Press ,1986 , pp. 122—123. .
[19]前引[2]Robert E Keeton文,pp. 963—975.
[20]在美國,有學者認為,在保險合同解釋中適用疑義利益解釋原則的主要原因在于保險合同的特殊性以及保險業的“準公眾商業性”。許多美國法院也認為,保險合同中附加了公共利益,有必要進行司法干預。此外,一些法院還采納了更為激進的觀點,即徹底否認保險合同的私法屬性,并認為保險合同的主要作用在于保護公共利益,因此,有必要強化對保險公司的監管。See Slawson,Standard Form Contracts and Democratic Control of Lawmaking Power, Harvard Law Review, 1971,v. 84, p. 529;前引[15],p. 109.
[25]正如英國保險法學者Clark所指出的,疑義利益解釋原則只是可以借助的排在第二順位的解釋原則,只有在采取其他解釋原則無法確定保險合同含義的情形下才可以采用該原則。See Malcolm A Clarke, The Law of Insurance Contracts (6th edition),Inform UK Ltd,2009, pp.457—458.
[26]Kenneth Cananar, Essential Cases in Insurance Law Wood head— Faulkner, Canb—ridge , 1985 , p. 11.轉引自前引[8]。
[30]前引[11],pp. 1860—1862.
[31]Priest, The Current Insurance Crisis and Modern Tort Law, Yale Law Joumal,1987,v. 96, pp. 1542—1544
[32]Epstein, Products Liability as an Insurance Market, Journal of Legal Studies, 1985,v. 14, pp. 668—669.
[33]Pauly, The Economics of Moral Hazard: Comment, American economic review, 1968,v.58, p.531.
[34]前引[31],p. 1547.
[35]Michael B. Rappaport, The Ambiguity Rule and Insurance Law : Why Insurance Contracts Should not be Construed Against the Drafter, Georgia Law Review, 1995,v.30, pp.202—203.
[36]前引[7],第 366頁。
[37]See American Home Products Corp. v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. 565 F. Supp. 1485 (S. D. N. Y. 1983).
孫宏濤 華東政法學院
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