[ 劉成江 ]——(2008-6-22) / 已閱39040次
作者:黑龍江省北安市人民法院趙光法庭 劉成江 王素杰
摘 要
關鍵詞:有限合伙;普通合伙;有限責任合伙 公司
Limitedly forms a partnership the system source in the British and American legal system, it refers to the partnership which is composed together by the ordinary partner and the limited partner, is playing the nimble highly effective role in the economic activity. In order to cause our country at the development enterprise, the venture capital domain to be suitable limitedly forms a partnership the system, serves well for the socialism. It is necessary to limitedly to form a partnership to carry on the discussion,This article namely from the outline which limitedly will form a partnership, limitedly forms a partnership the value analysis, and limitedly forms a partnership the necessity and the feasibility, our country which will establish with other organization comparisons and our country limitedly forms a partnership establishes limitedly forms a partnership the system legislation to devise these five aspects to limitedly formed a partnership to carry on the superficial analysis.
Our country establishes limitedly forms a partnership the system to be advantageous in consummating our country the legal framework, is advantageous invests and promotes the fund optimized disposition in the encouragement, is advantageous in realizing two kind of partnership enterprise.s form superiority supplementarily, is advantageous in solving our country venture capital enterprise, the privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise, the state-owned small and medium-sized enterprise, as well as the insurance money, society guarantees in the fund investment the question. Therefore, our country limitedly forms a partnership in the current establishment the system is quite essential.
Key word : Limited partershiper General partershiper Limited liability partershiper Company
目 錄
一、 有限合伙概述
總共4頁 1 [2] [3] [4]