- 編號:18708
- 書名:提單免責條款及其對海運貨物保險的影響(英文版)
- 作者:陳梁
- 出版社:武大
- 出版時間:2005年4月
- 入庫時間:2005-5-13
- 定價:29
Part I
IntrOductiOn ……………………………………………………………………………1
Part ll
Legal Aspects 0f the ExclusiOn CIauses and the COOrdination Between
Bills 0f Lading and the Marine CargO POIicies ……………………………5
Chapter Oile Important Issues Concerning the General Function of the Exclusion Clauses
in Bills of Lading and of the Insured Perils Clauses or Exclusion CIauses in Ma rjne Cargo
Chapter Two The Examination of the Excluded Perils under the Bills of Lading Statutes
and the Risks Allocation through the Coordination Between the Bills of Lading Statutes
and the Marl‘ne Cargo P。licies…………………………………………………………91
Chapter Three InCident Bars to the Right Under the Exclusion Clauses in the Bills 0f
Lading Statutes and to the Right Under the Insuyed Perils Clauses in t11e Marine Cargo
Legal Aspects Of the Limitation Of LiabiIity Clause,the Limitation Of
Action CIauses in the Bills 0f Lading Statutes and Their Impact On the
Marine Carg0 P0licies………………………………………………………………259
Chapter Four General Legal Issues About the Limitation of Liabnity Clauses and the
Limitation of Action Clauses in Bills or Lading………………………………………261
Chapter Five The Amounts of the Limitation and the Periods of Limitation Under in the
BilIs of Lading Statutes ………………………………………………………………273
Chapter Six Bars to the Limitation of LiabiliLy Clauses and the Limitation of Action
Claus~s in the BiUs of Lading Statutes …………………………………………303
Chapter Seven Impact of the Statutory Limitatlon of Liab訂ity Clauses and the Limitation
of Action Clauses in the BillsOf Lading Statutes on the Marine Cargo Policies
Part IV
COnclusiOn ………………………………………………………………………………320